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Safety and Risk
Employee Wellness
News, Tips and Information
DAS Ergonomic Program
Safety Related Forms
Safety and Wellness Contact
Employee Wellness
DAS Wellness program is intended to provide information, resources and training to DAS employees on health and wellness topics. Wellness representatives are assigned from each area and work together as a committee to develop wellness programs and activities that promote wellness. Ongoing activities include:
  • Blood Drives at DAS East every 6 months
Local area activities have also been organized to help promote wellness:
  • Fruit and Salad days
  • Soup days
  • Health potlucks
  • Lunchtime walking groups
  • Exercise groups
  • Nutrition information on common foods
Activities and events change based on employee health information, employee requests, and past activity response.  If you have an idea that would help promote wellness, please contact your division´s wellness representative.

News, Tips and Information
When Violence Touches our Lives (pdf) - Provided by the Employee Assistance Program, Cascade Centers, Inc.
Tips to avoid slips, trips and falls (doc)
Heart attack signs and symptoms (pdf)
Dealing with Hazardous Chemicals Guide (doc) - This hazardous chemical training guide is intended for use by supervisors, staff, volunteers, and students to identify and educate them on the chemical hazards they may face in the work place.

What To Do If Injured (pdf) - Supervisor guide to dealing with an on the job injury.

DAS Lockout/Tagout and Spill Response Plan (pdf) - Plans for the lockout/Tagout and DAS Spill Response Plan for effected areas.

Bad Weather Office Closer Info (pdf) - Lists what radio and TV channels to listen to for office closures.

Bad Weather Tips for Work and Home (pdf) - Helpful tips for home and work on dealing with Oregon winter weather and what you need to have on hand.

DAS Ergonomic Program
After a review of DAS injury and wellness data in 1999, an ergonomic policy (pdf) was written and implemented in 2001. The goal of this policy is to reduce or eliminate ergonomic related work area problems and injuries. The program designates an ergonomic coordinator in each division and provides training for all DAS staff through these coordinators and the Safety office. The DAS Safety Officer will act as the agency ergonomic coordinator.

Each division has a minimum of one employee that is trained to perform ergonomic assessments and can be contacted directly for an assessment of new or existing employees.

Ergonomic Coordinators

Who to contact for your division: Ergonomic Coordinator list (doc)

Ergonomic Activities
  • Ergonomic flyers and information for staff review
  • Ergonomic consulting on current or potential problems by DAS Safety Officer or division coordinator
  • Periodic updates to programs and procedure throughout DAS to meet changing ergonomic trends
Ergonomic Awareness

Set your workstation to maximize your comfort and reduce physical stressors. View the Ergonomic Flyer (doc).

Safety Related Forms
Accident Prevention Review (doc) 

Essential Functions (pdf) 



Safety and Wellness Contact
Bob Cox
Safety and Risk Manager
(503) 378-4202

Page updated: May 12, 2008

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