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Effluent Guidelines Biennial Plan

Past Effluent Guidelines Plans

The following documents and links provide information on previous effluent guidelines program plans. EPA also uses its Draft Strategy to guide its annual review of existing effluent guidelines.

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

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Preliminary Effluent Guidelines Plan for 2008

EPA issued a Federal Register Notice presenting our 2008 annual review and solicited public comment. In particular, this notice presented the current status of studies identified in the 2006 annual review of the Steam Electric Power Generating, Coal Mining, Coalbed Methane, and Health Care industries that we will use to decide whether to identify any of these categories for effluent guidelines rulemaking.

The Federal Register notice also updates two preliminary industry reviews identified in the 2006 Plan. Because the Textile Mills industry did not rank among the top toxic pollutant dischargers in the 2007 review, EPA will not pursue further action for this industry. Due to a lack of data, EPA will continue its review of the Ore Mining and Dressing industry.

Additionally, we started reviews for two more industries: Centralized Waste Treatment and Waste Combustors.

EPA will gather the following information for the Ore Mining and Dressing, Centralized Waste Treatment, and Waste Combustors industries:

Supporting Documents

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Final Effluent Guidelines Plan for 2006

Preliminary Effluent Guidelines Plan for 2006

EPA sought comment on a preliminary plan for reviewing effluent guidelines, regulations that improve water quality by controlling discharges from industrial sources. This is the first step in meeting that requirement for the 2006-07 planning cycle.

EPA held a public meeting on this preliminary Plan on September 20, 2005 in Washington, DC. To find additional information supporting the preliminary Plan, visit Regulation.gov, searching for Docket ID No. OW-2004-0032 among EPA "closed for comment" documents.

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Final Effluent Guidelines Plan for 2004/2005

Preliminary Effluent Guidelines Plan for 2004/2005

Draft Strategy for National Clean Water Industrial Regulations (November 2002)
EPA published a draft Strategy that describes a process EPA may use to identify industries for which effluent guidelines need to be revised or developed, in compliance with Section 304(m) of the Clean Water Act.

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2002 Effluent Guidelines Plan

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2000 Effluent Guidelines Plan

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1998 Effluent Guidelines Plan

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1996 Effluent Guidelines Plan

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1994 Effluent Guidelines Plan

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