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Chinese Arts Troupe Performs at State Capitol

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For Immediate Release: February 23, 2007
DBEDT Release News 07-03

HONOLULU--The China Blue-Sky Children Arts Troupe will perform in the State Capitol Rotunda on March 7, 2007, at 10:00 am. The Chinese performers will do a 30 minute traditional Chinese song and dance concert in various costumes. The public is invited to attend.

The performers are a special delegation of the China Blue-sky Children's Arts Troupe chosen by the Chinese government to promote the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Founded in 1982, the Troupe has successfully produced 400 children's programs and participated in many special events such as the grand opening of the U.N. 4th World Women Conference and other shows directed by the Chinese central government. They have been invited to perform in the U.S. UK, Hong Kong, Macao and other destinations.

There will be 25 children performers, ages 5-6, and will be accompanied by 15 teachers. These children are the ambassadors of China, spreading goodwill through their youth.

The Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT) worked with the Department of Education (DOE) to invite 160 school children from Royal and Kaahumanu Elementary Schools to participate in the March 7th event. The Hawaii students will welcome the Chinese delegation by singing the Star Spangled Banner and Hawaii Pono‘i. The Chinese group will be presented with leis made by Royal and Kaahumanu school students.

"DBEDT's Office of International Affairs is pleased to be working with the DOE on this project. The children from China are arriving in Hawaii after a four-city promotion of the 2008 Beijing Olympics in the U.S." said DBEDT Director, Theodore E. Liu.

"This will be a wonderful cultural exchange and learning experience for both the Hawaii and China students. This event demonstrates exactly the kinds of cultural and educational activities that we want to include in the Office of International Affairs," Liu said.

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For more information, contact:
Dave Young
Phone: (808) 587-1212

Last modified 02-23-2007 11:29 AM