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Steps To Selecting PSN Grantees

Overview of PSN Grants

Step One: Develop a Strategy

Step Two: Designate the Selection Committee

Step Three: Select and Certify a Fiscal Agent

Step Four: Develop an Overall Budget

Step Five: Determine a Method for Selecting Subrecipients

Step Six: Certify Applicants

Step Seven: Hold a Final Subrecipient Selection Meeting

Step Eight: Complete the Application

Task Force Role After Award

Tool Box Contents

Contact Information

Step Three: Select and Certify a Fiscal Agent

BJA will award a single grant based on an approved application in each of the U.S. Attorney Districts. However, the selection committee may wish to dedicate funds to more than one jurisdiction or for more than one project. As a result, each task force will need to use a fiscal agent to receive the funds and then make subawards to or enter into contracts with each project or entity that will carry out each component of the strategy. Only nonprofit organizations and units of state and local government are eligible to apply to be the fiscal agent.

After the selection committee members have selected a potential fiscal agent, they should forward the name of the organization to the U.S. Attorney for certification. The certification process is outlined in the Tool Box. After the fiscal agent is certified, the U.S. Attorney should notify BJA by forwarding the certification letter. A copy of the sample certification letter is included in the Tool Box.

Responsibilities of the Fiscal Agent

  • Enter into contracts with each entity responsible for carrying out each portion of the Task Force Strategy.

  • Oversee the contracts entered into.

  • Account for all funds awarded.

  • Prepare required federal reports.

  • Draw down federal funds as needed.

  • Make payments to each contractor.

  • Work with federal monitors or auditors as needed.

  • Attend a training on Office of Justice Programs financial rules, unless the chosen fiscal agent has a demonstrated record in this area.

The selection committee may allocate funds in your overall budget for the use of the fiscal agent in administering funds and meeting the above requirements, but such funds cannot exceed 10 percent of the total grant. This includes the travel funds needed to attend the required financial training.

Considerations in Selecting a Fiscal Agent

The selection committee may select any government agency or legal nonprofit organization as your fiscal agent. However, it is important to remember that this organization should have a track record in overseeing and accounting for funds, especially grant funds. Remember that all of these expenditures are subject to federal rules and federal audits. There are two options for fiscal agents:

  • Many state agencies and large local jurisdictions have the expertise needed to be a fiscal agent. If they have experience either in awarding grants or in receiving them, they are a good choice. Although the selection committee is free to select any such qualified organization, BJA has established a relationship with a state administering agency in each state and the selection committee may be interested in considering them. A list is available below.

  • The selection committee may select a nonprofit agency; however, it should ask for references and experience. This experience might include administering grant funds, either as a grantor or a grantee, or the personal experience of their employees in grant funding or contracting using federal rules.

Tool Box

List of BJA's State Administering Agencies (PDF)

OJP Financial Guide

OJP Financial Guide Standards for Financial Management Systems

U.S. Attorney Certification Process for the Fiscal Agent and Subrecipients

Sample Certification Letter for Fiscal Agents

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