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Steps To Selecting PSN Grantees

Overview of PSN Grants

Step One: Develop a Strategy

Step Two: Designate the Selection Committee

Step Three: Select a Fiscal Agent

Step Four: Develop an Overall Budget

Step Five: Determine a Method for Selecting Subrecipients

Step Six: Certify Applicants

Step Seven: Hold a Final Subrecipient Selection Meeting

Step Eight: Complete the Application

Task Force Role After Award

Tool Box Contents

Contact Information

Step Seven: Hold a Final Subrecipient Selection Meeting

If the selection committee is using a competitive selection process, after the U.S. Attorney has certified applicants, the selection committee should meet on its own to review the proposals and select subrecipients.

The committee should determine in advance how it will make the selections. The group might choose to simply meet to discuss the merits of each proposal and come to consensus. Alternatively, the committee may choose to use a scoring instrument to more objectively weigh the proposals, which is useful if entertaining more than a few proposals. Sample instruments can be found in the Tool Box.

If, on the other hand, the selection committee is simply choosing the subrecipients based on their expertise, then the committee should meet to make sure that all previously identified candidates received a certification from the U.S. Attorney and that there is a consensus on the decisions among the selection committee members.

Tool Box

Sample Review Instrument

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