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Steps To Selecting PSN Grantees

Overview of PSN Grants

Step One: Develop a Strategy

Step Two: Designate the Selection Committee

Step Three: Select and Certify a Fiscal Agent

Step Four: Develop an Overall Budget

Step Five: Determine a Method for Selecting Subrecipients

Step Six: Certify Applicants

Step Seven: Hold a Final Subrecipient Selection Meeting

Step Eight: Complete the Application

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Overview of PSN Grants

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has dedicated $30 million in funding in FY 2006 to support new and expanded anti-gang prevention and enforcement efforts under the Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) Initiative. In addition, DOJ has dedicated $10 million in FY 2006 to fund current and expanded comprehensive gun crime reduction strategies. The $30 million in Anti-Gang funds will be awarded on a formula basis, and the $10 million in PSN grant funds will be awarded on a competitive basis. Both initiatives are authorized by H. Rept. 2862.

The new Anti-Gang Initiative funds will enhance PSN task force efforts to combat gangs by building on the effective strategies and partnerships developed under PSN. Each district must show how their gang funding may impact their PSN strategies and need for additional funding.

Through the development of district-wide comprehensive anti-gang strategies, the U.S. Attorney in each of the 94 federal judicial districts will partner with local law enforcement and others in the PSN task force to pattern strategies for both the FY 2006 PSN and Anti-Gang Initiatives after PSN's five essential elements: 1) partnerships, 2) strategic planning, 3) training, 4) outreach, and 5) accountability. For more on these elements, visit www.ncjrs.org/html/bja/205263/.

The Anti-Gang Initiative and PSN are separate solicitations requiring separate applications to BJA. The following step-by-step guidance should be used to develop the applications for funding and select grant recipients and sub-recipients for the both programs.

The steps for developing an application and selecting grantees are:

Step One: Develop a Strategy. Meet to discuss an overall strategy to support the PSN Task Force's efforts to reduce gun and/or gang crime.

Step Two: Designate the Selection Committee. Designate a selection committee to select a single grantee to act as a fiscal agent for the strategy. Later in the process, the committee will determine what portions of the strategy will be funded and to whom.

Step Three: Select and Certify a Fiscal Agent. Choose one organization as a fiscal agent to receive the full funding allocation and oversee all subrecipients.

Step Four: Develop an Overall Budget. Determine how to allocate the funding available to the district among the initiatives outlined in the PSN Task Force's Strategy.

Step Five: Determine a Method for Selecting Subrecipients. Decide how to select the recipients of the funding to carry out the initiatives in the PSN Task Force's Strategy.

Step Six: Certify Applicants. Forward the name of any potential recipient to the U.S. Attorney for certification.

Step Seven: Hold a Final Subrecipient Selection Meeting. Meet to make final selections of subrecipients.

Step Eight: Complete the Application. Have the fiscal agent prepare and submit the funding application to BJA.

Submission Deadline: The Anti-Gang Initiative application deadline is March 28, 2006, and the PSN application deadline is April 11, 2006. There are no extensions to the application submission deadlines.

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