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Steps To Selecting PSN Grantees

Overview of PSN Grants

Step One: Develop a Strategy

Step Two: Designate the Selection Committee

Step Three: Select and Certify a Fiscal Agent

Step Four: Develop an Overall Budget

Step Five: Determine a Method for Selecting Subrecipients

Step Six: Certify Applicants

Step Seven: Hold a Final Subrecipient Selection Meeting

Step Eight: Complete the Application

Task Force Role After Award

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Step Four: Develop an Overall Budget

Based on the priorities identified in the strategy, the selection committee will need to allocate the available funds and lay out all of the expected expenditures in a budget. This will form the basis for the grant budget. To develop this budget, the selection committee should simply list all of the components of the strategy and the amounts to be devoted to each. In doing so, the selection committee should consider any needed administrative funds.

Awards made by BJA to the fiscal agent will be for up to 3 years. However, individual grants or contracts made to the subrecipients may be for any length of time up to, but should not exceed, 3 years.

Administrative Funds

In Step Three, the task force selection committee selected a fiscal agent that will make subawards to the entities responsible for each portion of the strategy. The fiscal agent may need funds in order to administer these subawards, including accounting for the funds, preparing grant reports, and working with federal monitors or auditors as needed. The task force may want to allocate funds in the overall budget for this purpose, but such funds cannot exceed 10 percent of the total grant. For example, if the allocation for your district is $100,000, then up to $10,000 can be used for administration.

Administrative funds may be spent on portions of salaries, supplies, equipment, travel, and contracts needed to support and properly administer these funds.

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OJP Financial Guide

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