National Cancer Institute National Cancer Institute
U.S. National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute
Dictionary of Cancer Terms
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transurethral needle ablation (TRANZ-yoo-REE-thrul NEE-dul a-BLAY-shun)

 A procedure that is used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). A small probe that gives off low-level radiofrequency energy is inserted through the urethra into the prostate. The energy from the probe heats and destroys the abnormal prostate tissue without damaging the urethra. Also called transurethral radiofrequency ablation.

Previous Definitions:transplantation, transrectal biopsy, transrectal ultrasound, transsphenoidal surgery, transurethral biopsy
Next Definitions:transurethral radiofrequency ablation, transurethral resection, transurethral resection of the prostate, transvaginal sonography, transvaginal ultrasound