Commission on Water Resource Management


Published Reports

Various reports are published by Commission staff on a range of topics related to the study and assessment of Hawaii's water resources. For reference purposes, the Commission staff shall assign a publication reference (PR) number to all posted documents. Each PR number is comprised of a 4-digit year (e.g., 2003), followed by a sequential 2-digit number for the order in which the publication is produced (e.g., 01, 02, 03...).




Past circulars were published by Commission staff or the Division of Water and Land Development on a range of topics. This page is still under construction, and prior circulars may be posted as they become available digitally (depending on demand). For reference purposes, circulars (C) were assigned sequential numbers in the order that they were produced (e.g., C-1, C-2, C-3...).



Hawaii Division of Hydrography Bulletins

The Hawaii Division of Hydrography Bulletins contain the first comprehensive and detailed studies of the geology and ground water resources of the (then) Territory of Hawaii. The main author of this remarkable series was Harold T. Stearns, a geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey for more than 20 years. The Bulletins have long been out-of-print, but are still important references for anyone working in the field of Hawaiian geology. Eight of the 13 Bulletins that were produced are provided below in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. To learn more about these bulletins, please visit the U.S. Geological Survey, from which the Bulletins below are linked. (Text excerpted from U.S. Geological Survey Website).

  • Stearns, H.T., and Vaksvik, K.N. (1935). Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Oahu, Hawaii. Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography. 479 p.
  • Stearns, H.T., and Vaksvik, K.N. (1938). Records of the Drilled Wells On The Island of Oahu. Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography. 213 p.
  • Stearns, H.T. (1940). Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Islands of Lanai and Kahoolawe, Hawaii. Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography. 177 p.
  • Stearns, H.T. (1940). Part 1: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Lanai, Hawaii. In H.T. Stearns, Bulletin 6: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Islands of Lanai and Kahoolawe, Hawaii (pp. 1-115). Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography.
  • Macdonald, G.A. (1940). Petrography [of Lanai]. In H.T. Stearns, Bulletin 6: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Islands of Lanai and Kahoolawe, Hawaii (pp. 61-63). Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography.
  • Swartz, J.H. (1940). Geophysical Investigations on Lanai. In H.T. Stearns, Bulletin 6: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Islands of Lanai and Kahoolawe, Hawaii (pp. 97-115). Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography.
  • Stearns, H.T. (1940). Part 2: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Kahoolawe, Hawaii. In H.T. Stearns, Bulletin 6: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Islands of Lanai and Kahoolawe, Hawaii (pp. 117-173). Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography.
  • Macdonald, G.A. (1940). Petrography of Kahoolawe. In H.T. Stearns, Bulletin 6: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Islands of Lanai and Kahoolawe, Hawaii (pp. 149-173). Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography.
  • Stearns, H.T., and Macdonald, G.A. (1942). Bulletin 7: General Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Maui, Hawaii. Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography. 344 p.
  • Stearns, H.T. (1942). Part 1: General Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Maui, Hawaii. In H.T. Stearns and G.A. Macdonald, Bulletin 7: General Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Maui, Hawaii (pp. 1-222). Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography.
  • Macdonald, G.A. (1942). Part 2: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Nahiku Area, East Maui. In H.T. Stearns and G.A. Macdonald, Bulletin 7: General Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Maui, Hawaii (pp. 223-274). Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography.
  • Macdonald, G.A. (1942). Petrography of Maui. In H.T. Stearns and G.A. Macdonald, Bulletin 7: General Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Maui, Hawaii (pp. 275-334). Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography.
  • Stearns, H.T., and Macdonald, G.A. (1946). Bulletin 9: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Hawaii. Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography. 363 p.
  • Stearns, H.T., and Macdonald, G.A. (1947). Bulletin 11: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Molokai, Hawaii. Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography. 113 p.
  • Macdonald, G.A. (1947). Petrography of Molokai. In H.T. Stearns and G.A. Macdonald, Bulletin 11: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Molokai, Hawaii. (pp. 89-110) Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography.
  • Stearns, H.T. (1947). Bulletin 12: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Niihau, Hawaii. Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography. 53 p.
  • Macdonald, G.A. (1947). Petrography of Niihau. In H.T. Stearns, Bulletin 12: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Niihau, Hawaii. (pp. 39-51) Hawaii (Territory): Division of Hydrography.
  1. Macdonald, G.A., Davis, D.A., and Cox, D.C. (1960). Bulletin 13: Geology and Ground-Water Resources of the Island of Kauai, Hawaii. Hawaii: Division of Hydrography. 212 p.


Reports to Legislature

Listed below are Reports to the Legislature as prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources and the Commission on Water Resource Management. Click on the link to view or download the report.

