US Forest Service : Chugach National Forest


Study 5

Black Oystercatcher Surveys

Recreation and tourism services in PWS are not considered to have fully recovered. Recovery of this resource must be done sustainably without injuring resources recovering from the EVOS. One “recovering” resource that could be affected by increasing recreational opportunities is the Black Oystercatcher, which overlaps heavily with recreational sites. We propose to conduct shoreline surveys of PWS and develop a database of all nesting areas to allow for more careful management of recreation in PWS and protection of key Black Oystercatcher nesting sights. This effort will be the culmination of several years of surveys which have been conducted by the CNF since 2000 and will result in a single comprehensive GIS database characterizing Black Oystercatcher distribution within PWS.

study1 imageStudy 1

Human Use Hot Spots GIS Database and Spatial Analysis

study2 imageStudy 2

Sensitive Areas (Biological / Cultural)

study3 image Study 3

Spatial and Temporal Characterization of PWS Subsistence Harvest Activities

study2 imageStudy 4

Evaluation of PWS User Experience

study2 imageStudy 5

Black Oystercatcher Surveys


Chugach National Forest

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council

News & Updates:

Surveys are in the field
for Summer 08


Nellie Juan College Fjord
Wilderness Study Area