United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center

Profile - Madison

Madison, WI  GRECC


VA Medical Center
Madison GRECC (11G)
Madison, WI 53705
Phone: (608) 280-7000 
Fax: (608) 280-7248 



  • University of Wisconsin Medical School 

    GRECC Director:  

  • Sanjay Asthana, M.D.  


    Associate Director for Research: 

  • JoAnne Robbins, Ph.D.


    Associate Director for Education/Evaluation:

  • Vacant


    Associate Director for Clinical Programs: 

  • Steve Barczi, M.D.  




    Research Focus:
    Basic Biomedical: Nutrition/Oxidative Stress in Aging, Osteoporosis
    Nutrition/Oxidative Stress in Aging: A main thrust is investigating the importance of oxidative stress in aging and age-associated diseases and disorders. The caloric restriction paradigm (CR is central) and the possiblity that CR retards aging and disease, at least in part, by reducing oxidative stress of mitochondrial origin, is a major area of study. Osteoporosis: Directed at understanding the pathophysiology and treatment of bone diseases. Basic science investigations focus on PHEX/Phex gene cloning, mutations and tissue localization.
    Applied Clinical: Swallowing, Osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's Disease
    Age-Related Swallowing/Dysphagia: Focuses on effects of age and age-related diseases on the swallowing mechanism including sarcopenia in head and neck musculature, health and funcitonal outcomes, and dysphagia-specific quality of life (QOL). Determining the efficacy of lingual resistance exercixe as treatment for dysphagia in frail elderly and stroke patients is another major focus, as well as the value of exercise in preventing dysphagia in the older population. Ostioporosis: Directed at understanding the pathophysiology and treatment of bone diseases using clinical investigative and basic science approaches. Clinical studies examine various treatment strategies for osteoporosis. Alzeheimer's Disease: The major focus of the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Illnesses program is to conduct tramnslational research related to the pathobiology, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease. In particular, clinical studies are underway to identfy biomarkers of early AD diagnosis and progression for genetically predisposed population. Additional studies are ongoing to evaluate the therapeutic potential of gonadal steroids, including estrogen and raloxifene, for healthy older women as well as those with Alzheimer's disease.
    Health Services: Functional Decline in the Continuum of Geriatric Care
    Functional Decline in the Continuum of Geriatric Care: Focuses on substance abuse and mental health services. Compares the effectiveness of service delivery models which treat mental health and substance abuse problems in primary care as compared to those which utilize specialty mental health settings.

    Education Focus:
    Emphasizes interdisciplinary geriatric education and training for health professionals and advanced level students from medicine, psychiatry, obstetrics-gynecology, nursing, social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, pharmacy, audiology and speech pathology. Programs include; Geriatric Medicine Fellowship, and Gero-psychiatry Fellowship and a Geriatric Evaluation Management Program (GEM). Mini-fellowship experiences exist in Osteoporosis, Swallowing and Geriatric Evaluation. The Madison GRECC also works within VISN 12 to facilitate geriatric education.

    Clinical Focus:
    Non-institutional long term care. Our programs create a continuum between inpatient, outpatient and community care, as well as between geriatric primary and consultative care. Geriatric care occurs through our Geriatric Evaluation and Management (GEM) clinics, Older Women's Health clinic and Community based nursing home outreach program. Consultative care includes our Osteoporosis clinic, Gero-psychiatry clinic and Memory Assessment/Dementia clinic. Hospitalized older veterans receive care through the hospital GEM and inpatient consultation service. Families are supported through our caregiver support group and inpatient respite program.