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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Eric Curry
David Felicetti
James Mattheis
Contact Information
Research Projects
Mark Mazzola
Paul Pusey
Rodney Roberts
David Rudell
Yanmin Zhu

James Peter. Mattheis

Research Leader

Dr. Mattheis

Research Program

Dr. Mattheis' principle area of investigation is postharvest physiology of apples, pears and cherries. Ongoing topics of research include assessment of various fruit physiological and quality factors as indicators of fruit harvest maturity, determination of appropriate maturity indices for new fruit varieties grown in the Pacific Northwest, characterization of fruit responses to stressful storage environments and identification of principle volatiles produced by fruit as indicators of physiological condition. Preharvest field research includes the study of apple and pear fruit blossom physiology.


Last Modified: 01/22/2008
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