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Center for Financial Research

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Visiting Fellows Program

The FDIC sponsors a Center for Financial Research (CFR) Visiting Fellows program. Fellowship appointments are for a limited, renewable term and can be either full- or part-time. Fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis to academicians who hold positions at the assistant/associate/full professor levels as well as to Ph.D. students who are nearing completion of their dissertations.

In the course of their appointment, CFR Visiting Fellows are expected to conduct research on topics relevant to the condition of the banking industry and the CFR mission. Specifically, research should be performed under one of the following research programs: (1) Bank Performance, (2) Corporate Finance, (3) Deposit Insurance, (4) Policy & Regulation, and (5) Risk Measurement. CFR Visiting Fellows will also consult with FDIC staff to help develop statistical and financial models to support FDIC operations in such areas as finance, deposit insurance, bank safety and soundness, bank supervision, bank failure resolution, and consumer protection.

CFR Visiting Fellows are expected to interact with FDIC economists, actively participate in research seminars and conferences, and make seminar presentations on their research. It is anticipated that a CFR Visiting Fellow’s research agenda will result in a paper that will be included in the CFR Working Paper series. The CFR hosts a regular research seminar series where U.S. and international scholars present their research findings, and the annual CFR research conference has become the central gathering place for exchanging new findings relating to banking policy. The FDIC also maintains extensive data sources pertaining to the financial services industry.

Interested parties should either e-mail or mail (see below) a current resume, description of research to be conducted while visiting the FDIC, and representative publications of their work. The FDIC is an equal opportunity-affirmative action employer.

Contact Us

E-mail: cfr@fdic.gov or

Street Address (regular mail):

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FDIC Center for Financial Research
3501 N. Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22226

Additional information is available at www.fdic.gov.

Last Updated 9/16/2004 cfr@fdic.gov

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