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SIC Description for 2022
Description for 2022: Natural, Processed, and Imitation Cheese

Division D: Manufacturing
Major Group 20: Food And Kindred Products

Industry Group 202: Dairy Products

2022 Natural, Processed, and Imitation Cheese

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing natural cheese (except cottage cheese), processed cheese, cheese foods, cheese spreads, and cheese analogs (imitations and substitutes). These establishments also produce by-products, such as raw liquid whey. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing cottage cheese are classified in Industry 2026, and those manufacturing cheese-based salad dressings are classified in Industry 2035.
  • Cheese analogs
  • Cheese products, imitation or substitutes
  • Cheese spreads, pastes, and cheese-like preparations
  • Cheese, except cottage cheese
  • Cheese, imitation or substitutes
  • Cheese, processed
  • Dips, cheese-based
  • Processed cheese
  • Sandwich spreads, cheese
  • Whey, raw: liquid

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