Brookhaven National Laboratory

May 19-21, 2008

Purpose & Scope of Meeting and Workshops:

The Joint NSLS and CFN Users’ Meeting provides a venue for scientists from many diverse disciplines to share their work and discuss future directions for their research.  New research results and advances in experimental capabilities that utilize synchrotron radiation and focus on nanoscience are highlighted. The meeting also allows old friends to catch up and for new relationships to be formed.

Held this year at Brookhaven National Laboratory from May 19-21, the meeting is hosted and sponsored by the National Synchrotron Light Source Users' Association, the Center for Functional Nanomaterials Users' Association, and external organizations representing the users of the NSLS and the CFN.

These user communities include scientists who utilitize the NSLS and CFN facilities to supplement a laboratory-based research program as well as those with programs based at one or more NSLS beamlines and/or CFN facilities.

This year’s theme is "Lighting Our Way to a Renewable/Sustainable Energy Future" and will be highlighted during the Main Meeting talks by individuals currently involved in this area of research, including Cherie R. Kagan, University of Pennsylvania; Ian Robinson, University College of London; and George Crabtree, Argonne National Laboratory.

Through workshops, invited talks, the poster session, and exhibits showcasing new advancements in equipment and instrumentation, there will be numerous opportunities to learn about new developments in synchrotron-based and nanoscience experimentation and how these advances will impact your research interests.

The Users' Executive Committees (UEC), the associations’ representative bodies, cordially invite all BNL employees to attend the early morning Plenary Sessions on Tuesday, May 20, free of charge. BNL employees and guests are warmly invited to register for other sessions dedicated to scientific talks, the workshops, and other events (registration and a nominal fee are required).

We hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

Users’ Executive Committees of the National Synchrotron Light Source and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials Users' Associations

***This joint Meeting and associated workshops are supported by registration fees paid by the participants. Social events, lunches, and coffee breaks are provided to registered attendees primarily by our vendors and sponsors, and in part by the NSLS and CFN's Brookhaven Science Associates funding. The Users' Meeting Planning Committee consists of users and staff of the National Synchrotron Light Source and the Center for Functional Nanomaterials. Administrative support for the meeting is provided by BNL's NSLS and CFN Departments.

IMPORTANT DEADLINES!!! - Please review for information regarding SITE Access and Registration Deadlines