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Oregon Department of Human Services

Groupwise Calendar: Privacy & Security Issues

Consider the following facts:

  • Your GroupWise Calendar may not be private or secure.
  • The original “default” is set to prevent all-staff access, but unless you check on the current settings, you may not know if the default position has been maintained. 
  • It is acceptable and convenient to allow all-staff access to your calendar. Hundreds of meetings are scheduled every day using this feature.
  • It may take specific action on your part to prevent all-staff access to your calendar.
  • Even when all-staff access is denied, the Busy Search feature will still indicate available times for setting appointments/meetings, but will not show appointment detail.

Exercise Caution - If putting confidential, individually identifiable client or employee information in your GroupWise Calendar follow these guidelines:

  • Grant “PROXY ACCESS” only to those individuals who have a need to know.
  • When a staff person who has access leaves his/her position, remove that person’s name from “PROXY ACCESS.”
  • Periodically check to ensure that “ALL USERS ACCESS” has not been activated in error.
  • Do not include case note information or other descriptive comments next to the client’s name and appointment time. Use case numbers, if necessary, rather than Social Security numbers.
  • The goal is simply to ensure that reasonable safeguards are applied to confidential client information, and that only those with a need to know have access to it.


Instructions for Setting Proxy Access

Check the PROXY ACCESS settings in your GroupWise Calendar. You may need to take specific action in order to limit access to certain selected individuals
. If you want to give someone proxy to your GroupWise Calendar or ensure that it is, or is not, accessible to everyone in DHS, you need to do the following:


  2. If you want certain selected individuals to be able to view your calendar
    • under NAME type in the name of the user that you want to give access to
    • click ADD USER
    • go down to users name, click on it to highlight
    • then check APPOINTMENTS
    • check READ if you only want them to look at your calendar
    • check WRITE if you want them to be able to make an appointment for you
    • click OK

  3. If you want to give all DHS staff access to your calendar
    • click on ALL USERS ACCESS to highlight
    • then check APPOINTMENTS
    • check READ if you want them to look at your calendar
    • click OK

  4. If you do not want to give all DHS staff access to your calendar
    • click on ALL USERS ACCESS to highlight
    • confirm that All Access Rights remain unchecked
    • click OK
    • check your proxy access periodically to make sure that this “ALL USERS ACCESS” has not been activated in error.
Page updated: September 21, 2007

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