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Emergency Management Services of King County

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Project Impact shows feature local, regional and national experts who talk about disaster and emergency management issues relevant to our area. Topics include information on hazards and disasters, emergency preparedness and response, homeland security, and other topics. Project Impact videos are also strategically located in various places throughout our Web site - just look for the Project Impact logo!


Hazards and Disasters
  • Heat Season in the Northwest  (25:19)
    Some people may ask "Does the Northwest really have a 'heat season'?" Well, the answer is yes! Hear from Ted Buehner from the National Weather Service and Chief Jim Fogarty from King County Medic One on the risks we can face from excessive heat and how you can be better prepared for the next round of hot temperatures here.
  • Flooding in King County  (28:39)
    As we've seen recently here in King County, flooding can have major impacts across the county. Representatives of the Flood Hazard Reduction Services Section of King County Department of Natural Resources & Parks discuss the current status of King County's extensive levee system, as well as the outlook for continued flooding events in our future.
  • Pandemic Flu (updated) (28:38)
    Pandemic flu is considered one of  the worse of all possible threats or disasters that could impact our region. Dr. Jeff Duchin, MD - Public Health Seattle and King County, Dr. J. Michael Muhm, MD, MPH - Boeing Corporation, and Barb Graff - Director of Emergency Management for Seattle, explain how flu viruses have evolved, why this is becoming such a serious concern,  and how a major pandemic could threaten our human infrastructure. This Project Impact show an update from the Pandemic Flu  program done about seven years ago.
  • Mount Rainier: Perilous Beauty (26:03)
    Is Mount Rainier extinct or dormant? What would happen if the mountain were to erupt? Would there be any advance notice, and what about evacuation? Steve Bailey - Director of Pierce County Emergency Management, Tom Pierson - US Geological Survey Cascade Volcanic Observatory, and Merle Frank - Puyallup Fire Chief, talk about the very real possibility of an eruption and what the region is doing to prepare, including warning systems, evacuation, and emergency response planning.
  • Electrical and Natural Gas Safety (29:28) - Dennis Smedsrud from Puget Sound Energy talks about the safety precautions that homeowners need to be aware of when using electricity and natural gas.
  • Cascadia  –  The Hidden Fire (27:52 min) — Michael Lienau, an award-winning local filmmaker/producer, joins Steve Bailey, Emergency Manager for Pierce County Emergency Management, to talk about a new documentary on the newly identified earthquake hazards in the Northwest.
  • Flooding Hazards in King County (27:09 min) — Flooding occurs frequently, starting in October and into the spring. It is the number one hazard in King County. Learn more about flooding from the representatives of the Flood Hazard Reduction Services Section of King County Department of Natural Resources & Parks.
  • Fireworks (30:33 min) — What is the connection between fireworks and emergencies and disasters? Learn about the the dangers of fireworks and what is legal and illegal here in King County.
  • Wildland Fire Damage (29:28)There is a significant wildland fire hazard in both Eastern and Western Washington. This show explains the fire danger and how citizens can protect their property and families.
  • Disaster Resistant Roofing (28:56)This show gives an overview of the hazards that impact roofing and what disaster resistant roofing options are available to the consumer.
  • MethLabs (26:24) — This show gives an overview of the methamphetamine lab (MethLab) situation in King County, their impact on the community, the environment, and what local jurisdictions are doing to address the problem.
Emergency Preparedness and Response
  • Emergency Procedures at Qwest Field  (12:10) New!
    Are you a Seahawks fan? Well then its likely you've been to Qwest Field. Get a behinds the scenes peek at the emergency procedures that go into an event at Qwest Field.
  • Tour the King County Emergency Coordination Center (8:54)
    Ever wanted to know just how the region's governments respond to emergencies? Take a tour of the King County Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) to see first hand how disasters are managed here in King County. Highlights include overviews of the high tech communications systems, and inside look at the 'war room', and all the redundancies built into the building to ensure it stays up and runnind during any disaster!
  • Earthquake Retrofitting Your Home (5:54)
    "Earthquake Country", right here in the Pacific Northwest? Yes it is true. Washington State has the third highest earthquake threat in the U.S. Moderate earthquakes recently and over the past 150 years have caused widespread damage throughout the Pacific Northwest, and experts warn such earthquakes are certain to occur again. Learn how to protect your home, by completing both structural and non-structural retrofits. The process is easy in this hands on show, showing you the simple steps you can take now to prepare your home. Also visit for more information on the Earthquake-Safe Home program.
  • Insurance Industry and Disasters (28:15)
    Maintaining proper insurance for your home, business, auto, and other property is a crucial piece to any disaster preparedness efforts. This show features Karl Newman and Darrin Sanger from the Northwest Insurance Council discussing what you need to know about insurance, including what disasters are covered by your standard homeowners or business insurance, as well as special coverage for flooding, earthquakes, and landslides.
  • Are you ready? (58:06)
    This is a special one hour edition of Project Impact. King 5 Television aired “Are You Ready?” as a one hour disaster preparedness special in prime time on Saturday, December 9, 2006. Subsequent showings were aired on Northwest Cable News. In this edition the commercials have been removed and disaster preparedness public service advertisements inserted. The show begins with an introductory segment with the filmmaker Michael Lienau who produced the majority of the video for the show.
  • Blue Cascades III  (28:45)
    Blue Cascades III was a critical infrastructure and interdependencies exercise that used a worst cast multi-state Subduction earthquake scenario. This show features guests representing what was learned during the two day event and the follow-on actions that are being put in place to improve our disaster resiliency as a region.
  • Best practices in public education  (28:51)
    An informed public can be a much needed force multiplier in the business of emergency management. But what are the best ways to inform and educate the public and how they can prepare themselves for the next disaster. Watch this episode with Anna Laszlo of Circle Solution, Inc, to hear about the most effective public education techniques being used in the world of emergency management.
  • Careers in Emergency Management (29:19)
    New staff members at the King County Office of Emergency Management, including Heather Kelly - Planning and Exercises, Lacey Croco - Operations, and Jaime Quick - Communications, talk about the future of careers in emergency management, including asking show host Eric Holdeman about his experiences in the field. 
  • How the Media Covers Emergencies and Disasters (27:46)
    Representatives from King 5 Television, including Lori Matsukawa - News Anchor, Chris Ingalls - Reporter, and  Pat Costello - Executive News Director, talk about their experiences covering all types of emergencies and disaster situations, and the importance of getting and reporting accurate information to the public. 
  • Northwest Warning, Alert and Response Network (25:10)
    Matt Morrison, Executive Director of Pacific NW Economic Region, and Marty Prewett, FBI Special Agent, join Eric Holdeman to talk about a new alerting and notification system that will aid public and private decision makers during emergency events.
  • Cell Phones and 9-1-1 (28:17) —  If you called 9-1-1 on your cell phone, would they know how to locate you? Emergency 9-1-1 centers throughout King County now have the latest technology in place to help track wireless 9-1-1 calls. This show also focuses on how cell phone owners can prevent inadvertent calls being made to 9-1-1 by phones that are being improperly carried or programmed.  
  • Emergency Alert System (31 seconds) — Watch this educational streaming video about the Emergency Alert System (EAS). EAS messages are broadcasted only on radio and TV.
  • Personal Emergency Preparedness (25:35 min) Watch and listen to this streaming program about steps you can take to be personally prepared. Load time approximately one minute.
Homeland Security
  • Washington State Ferry Security  (28:26)
    This show highlights security aboard the Washington State Ferry system. With the ever present threat of terrorism, as well as accidents and natural disasters, all which could affect the ferry systems in our region, continuous improvements to security and emergency response are crucial. Guests on the show include representatives from Washington State Ferries, Washington State Patrol, U.S. Coast Guard, and Washington’s Homeland Security Institute (HIS). These partners explain a program launching in late May, 2007 in our region which will educate emergency response personal, as well as passengers through a series of educational videos onboard the vessels.
  • United States Coast Guard (29:54)
    The United States Coast Guard has a wide range of responsibilities falling under their mandate.  Their Project Impact show provides information on the transition to their role in homeland security as well as disaster preparedness and response.
  • University of Washington - Disaster Preparedness (28:30)
    The University of Washington established an Office of Emergency Management several years ago.  Their Project Impact show provides information on their program and Homeland Security activities. 
  • Are We Prepared? (27:29)
    How prepared is the public for disasters?  What do they think is the most likely disaster they might face as individuals?  This program provides the results of professional market research findings and how emergency managers will be using the information.  There are also some "man on the street" interviews with citizens asking them their opinions.  The show's theme is emergencies and disasters, and what governments, businesses, schools and individuals can do to prevent damages or become better prepared to deal with disasters.
  • Homeland Security and Disaster Planning for Auburn and South King County (29:55)
    Auburn Mayor Pete Lewis joins Eric Holdeman to talk about the role of local, state and federal agencies in homeland security and disaster planning issues.
  • King County Sheriff (28:38)
    King County Sheriff Sue Rahr highlights the many diverse services provided by the King County Sheriff's Office. She also shares her view on important issues in the region, including homeland security, and the importance of police and public service agencies working together to be efficient and effective. 
  • Homeland Security in the City of Seattle (30:15)
    Chief Gregory Dean - Seattle Fire Department, and Chief Gil Kerlikowske - Seattle Police Department, discuss homeland security efforts and emergency response readiness issues.
  • Cyber Security (27:51)
    Local experts Jerry Cochran - Security Strategist for Microsoft, Matt Morrison - Executive Director of Pacific Northwest Economic Region, and Ernie Hayden - Chief Information Security Officer from the Port of Seattle, discuss cyber security concerns and what agencies in our region are doing together to better address this issue.
  • Homeland Security Challenges and Solutions (28:07) —  Michael Byrne, Director of Justice and Public Safety for Microsoft, shares his insights and ideas on homeland security challenges and solutions. 
  • Trends in Homeland Security (28:19) — This interview with James Lee Witt, former Director of FEMA, stresses the importance of pre-disaster mitigation. During his tenure he started a national effort called "Project Impact." This show discusses the past, present and future for emergency management and its role in Homeland Security. 
  • Homeland Security Planning  (29:05) —  What is the County (Region 6) doing to address homeland security issues? This show provides an overview of the strategic planning efforts taking place to protect our region.
  • Homeland Security (28:42) — A conversation with King County Executive Ron Sims on "Homeland Security" issues here in King County one year after the September 11th terrorist attacks. Script only.
Emergency Management Partners
  • Regional Public Information Network (RPIN) (29:40)
    Public information can be crucial to the success, or percieved success of any emergency response. This show explains how the Regional Public Information Network ( serves as a tool for public information officers to quickly share information with the public. RPIN keeps the public informed about street and highway closures, weather, major transit disruptions, and provides updates on what agencies are doing to respond to emergencies and incidents.
  • Role of Radio (29:31)
    Media plays a key role in disasters by keeping people informed concerning what is about to occur, has occurred, what is being done, and what they should be doing.  This show with KOMO 1000 Radio staff highlights the role that radio plays in this mission.  When the electrical power goes out and all that people have is their battery operated radio and car radios, stations like KOMO play a critical role. 
  • Emergency Management Legislature (29:14)
    A comprehensive emergency management program includes working with elected officials for changes to laws that impact our ability to mitigate, prepare for and respond to and recover from Disasters. This Project Impact Show is an interview with State Senator Jim Kastama, 25th District and Steve Bailey, Pierce County Emergency Management Director. During the show we discuss how to work with legislators and what are current emergency management issues in the Washington State legislature.
  • Washington State Patrol (29:54)
    Washington State Patrol Chief John Batiste sits down with host Eric Holdeman to discuss the role the State Patrol plays in emergency management, including not only highway oversight, but also homeland security functions.
  • Crime Stoppers (28:44)
    Project Impact's 50th Show! Ron Conlin - President of Crime Stoppers of Puget Sound and Crime Stoppers Association of Washington, Detective Christ Gough - Seattle Police Department, and Gayle Brandon-Behrend - Treasurer and member on the Board of Directors, showcase this unique program to help prevent and solve crime based on a collaborative partnership with media, law enforcement and the community. 
  • US Army Corps of Engineers (29:50)
    Did you know the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is made up of approximately 34,600 civilian and 650 military members who include engineers, scientists and other specialists who work hand in hand as leaders in engineering and environmental matters? Colonel Debra Lewis, Commander of the Seattle Division, talks about the many diverse activities our local division is involved in to help strengthen national security, contribute to efforts in Iraq, support local military facilities, participate environmental protection efforts in our region, and much more.
  • Washington National Guard (28:53) —  You can learn more about the Washington National Guard by watching this Project Impact show that has Major General Timothy Lowenberg as the guest. The Guard plays key roles in peace and war. Learn more about both the Army and Air National Guard by watching this program. 
  • Ready Corps  –  VISTA Volunteers (27:52 min) — Vista volunteers are working here in Washington State to enhance disaster preparedness. This show highlights the activities in King County and how you can volunteer for Ready Corps.
  • American Red Cross (28:22 min) The American Red Cross is a vital partner in responding to emergencies and disasters that happen on a daily basis here in Washington State. This program highlights their contributions to building disaster resistant communities.
  Check the CTV weekly schedule for more informative King County programs.

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  Updated: April 21, 2008