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Emergency Management Podcasts

Welcome to the King County Office of Emergency Management's "Disasters: Are you ready?" podcasts page.

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Disasters: Are you ready? 

New! Auf wieder bye bye
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If you haven't heard yet, Eric is leaving the King County Office of Emergency management as of May 11th, 2007. Listen to Eric's last podcast as the Director of the King County Office of Emergency Management to hear his final thanks, advice, and words of encouragement. (Posted: May 9, 2007)

Recently Posted! Being proactive
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Are you proactive or reactive? Are you driving the program or is the program driving you? Hear Eric discuss proactive emergency management including one recent example of an organization being proactive in their disaster planning. (Posted: May 2, 2007)

Recently Posted! Disaster myths
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Fact or fiction, it is up to us as emergency management professionals to share the facts not the myths with decision makers and the general public. Listen to this week's podcast to hear the top five myths described by Eric. (Posted: April 25, 2007)

Virginia Tech shootings
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It would be ideal if we could eliminate gun violence from the United States. But unfortunately, for us Americans living in a free and open society events such as this week's shootings at Virginia Tech continue to occur. However, we emergency managers can use these horrifying incidents as 'teachable moments'. Hear Eric's perspectives how to use this tragedy to improve safety in your community. (Posted: April 18, 2007)

Selling emergency management
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What's your job title and what is it that you do? This week's Podcast focuses on Eric's role as Director, King County Office of Emergency Management. (Posted: April 11, 2007)

Who's in charge?
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This question is asked frequently about disaster response operations. Here in the United States that is not a simple answer. Hear Eric's thoughts on how coordination and incident command work together to help answer this complex question. (Posted: April 4, 2007)

Roofing materials
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You may wonder how this topic relates to emergency management. Well, believe it or not the type of roof you choose can influence your homes survivability in both fires and during earthquakes. Hear Eric describe the pros and cons of the variety of choices in roofing materials. (Posted: March 28, 2007)

It's all about the people
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Planning, mitigation, response and recovery...why do we do all of these activities in emergency management? Bottom line is that we do it all for the people. The people we serve, and aim to protect before, during, and after emergencies. Hear Eric's thoughts on how people are the foundation of emergency management. (Posted: March 21, 2007)

Raking rocks
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Life as an emergency manager can often times seem overwhelming, much like raking rocks from your garden. Maybe you need to measure progress in small amounts. Listen to Eric's advice this week on how you can't do everything and you should savor the little victories along the way to the bigger goal. (Posted: March 14, 2007)

"Road" to recovery
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Faced with a Katrina-like disaster, how would you prioritize restoration of critical services for your region? Listen to this week's podcast to hear why Eric feels the restoration of transportation systems wins out over other priorities such as utilities and communications systems, as the highest priority for any large scale disaster recovery efforts. (Posted: March 7, 2007)

Assertiveness and persistence
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Assertiveness and persistence are two key qualities important to the success of any emergency manager. However, there is fine line between being 'assertive' and 'persistent', and being 'aggressive' and 'insistent'. Hear Eric's thoughts on just how to maintain a this sometimes difficult balance between these personal qualities in order to be the most effective emergency manager you can be. (Posted: February 28, 2007)

Consequence management
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Historically emergency management has been synonymous with 'consequence' management, in which emergency managers come in after that fact and clean up the mess. But preparedness and mitigation are two key activities that can and should happen pre-disaster, in order to keep those consequences at a minimum. Hear all of Eric's thoughts on this topic in this week's podcast. (Posted: February 21, 2007)

Social behaviors during disasters
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In emergency management we spend a great deal of time in planning for specific hazards, or needs. But there appears to be a problem for us. This problem is not knowing just how the people will react during a disaster? Hear Eric's thoughts on how the 'people factor' can influence emergency management. (Posted: February 14, 2007)

Belts and suspenders approach
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So what does redundancy do for you? In plain English, it gives you a back-up when one system fails. Hear Eric's thoughts on the importance of redundancy across many aspects of emergency management. (Posted: February 7, 2007)

How to become immortal
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Do you know anyone who holds onto information in order to protect their power? Listen here for Eric's thoughts on how to move beyond this mind set and become immortal by sharing! (Posted: January 31, 2007)

Use of technology
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There is little doubt the advancement of technology is changing the world of emergency management. Hear Eric's thoughts on how far we've come and where technology may take us in emergency management. (Posted: January 24, 2007)

Windstorm reflections
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One last word from Eric on last month's windstorm. Hear Eric's final thoughts on the impact and scale of this storm, sheltering needs and capabilities of the region, personal preparedness timelines, vulnerable population outreach, and the Regional Public Information Network. (Posted: January 17, 2007)

Electrical outage preparedness tips
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King County is still cleaning up from the December 14th windstorm, with recovery efforts going on around the county. But just how can you be better prepared for the next power outage? Listen to this podcast to hear Eric's insights. (Posted: January 11, 2007)

Public-Private partnerships
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"Public-Private Partnerships" is a term used much more frequently these days. Hear Eric's thoughts one such successful partnership between King County and Puget Sound Energy. (Posted: January 3, 2007)

Breaking records
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With all of the storms lately, it has been quite the season for records to be broken here in the Pacific Northwest. Hear Eric's thoughts on all the recent action in our region. (Posted: December 20, 2006)

Swimming in the Regional Pool
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Are you ready to go swimming in the "Regional Pool" with other organizations? Listen to this week's podcast to determine where you are in relationship to jumping into regional planning and other activities. (Posted: December 13, 2006)

EOC operational tips II
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Our recent record November rainfall led to high river flows and flooding in areas of King County.  All of which led Eric to record a Podcast with a few operational tips for you. (Posted: December 6, 2006)

Where's my shelter?
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This is a common question that has been asked of emergency managers.  Listen in for Eric's thoughts on this topic and how your home is perhaps the best shelter you could ever want. (Posted: November 29, 2006)

You've got to love insurance!
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As a recent radio advertisement is stating, "All insurance is not alike." It is unfortunate that you can't buy just "one" policy that covers everything, but that's not the system we have. So you need to look at your risks and plan accordingly--with insurance being one way to possibly mitigate any losses you might incur. Listen to my thought's on this topic of insurance in this week's Podcast. (Posted: November 21, 2006)

Disasters and pets
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Getting people to get prepared for disasters is a constant challenge. Listen to this week's Podcast about how we are looking to use people's pets to help motivate people to do something for themselves and their pets. (Posted: November 15, 2006)

Keeping up with change
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Change is constant in our modern society. Listen to this week's podcast about how the King County Region is continuing to adapt and change in relationship to Homeland Security as it continues to evolve nationally. (Posted: November 1, 2006)

Me, My, I
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Do you believe in me, my, I, or the "We" concept of working together? Top-down rule, collaboration, sharing of authority to reach a final goal? Hear Eric's thoughts on how leadership from above can influence how we all work together during disasters. (Posted: October 11, 2006)

Define your region
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How important is it to take a regional approach to disaster preparedness and response?  And, how do you define your region?  Listen in for Eric's thoughts on both of these regional issues. (Posted: October 4, 2006)

Managing perceptions
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Perceptions may not always equal reality, but often they might as well. Listen to Eric's thoughts on how crucial managing public perception can be to the job of an emergency manager. (Posted: September 27, 2006)

EOC operational tips
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EOCs live in a world of ever-readiness, never quite knowing when they'll be utilized. Hear Eric's tips on just how to keep an EOC operationally ready. (Posted: September 20, 2006)

Why blog?
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By now most of us have probably at least heard of 'blogs' and 'blogging'. But why does Eric keep up his blog, and what are the real advantages of keeping up with this sort of technology? Listen in to hear Eric's thoughts on information sharing and blogging. (Posted: September 13, 2006)

Disaster resistant or resilient?
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Do you believe in being disaster resistant, or disaster resilient? Or, perhaps you don't believe in either. Listen to what Eric has to say about these terms that are seeing increased use these days. (Posted: September 6, 2006)

Disaster Response Redux: We Are Still Not Ready by Ted Koppel
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Ted Koppel took some heat for his last Podcast about the readiness of Americans for disasters. So much so that he felt compelled to do another podcast on the subject. Sounds like he is expecting more heat, this time from the Boy Scouts. I'd say that the Scouts motto of "Be prepared" is appropriate for anyone anywhere who is contemplating how to respond when disasters strike. (Posted: August 30, 2006)

Response to a Pandemic Flu
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Yes, the all-hazards approach to disaster preparedness is what we encourage, but just how will response and recovery be different during a flu pandemic than a 'normal' disaster like an earthquake or flood? Listen to this podcast to learn more about some of the areas of concern or question when facing the realities of a flu pandemic. (Posted: August 23, 2006)

Grass-Roots America Isn't Prepared for Catastrophe by Ted Koppel
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In the world of emergency management, it can at times feel like gaining broader public interest in preparedness can only can happen immediately following a Katrina-like disaster. However, this week's podcast is a good sign. Departing from our homemade podcasts, this week's podcast is actually a link to a recent NPR podcast done by Ted Koppel discussing the readiness, or lack of, in our nation. (Posted: August 16, 2006)

The Office of Emergency Management: Behind the scenes
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So by now, you most likely have heard Eric's take on the work our office does on the front end. But this week's podcast will give you the behind the scenes scoop on our office. Guest podcaster, and OEM Assistant Director, Diane Newman podcasts on her experiences behind the scenes. (Posted: August 9, 2006)

Can our diversity unite us?
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With the recent shootings at the Jewish Federation of Seattle offices, violence in the workplace is on top of many people's mind. But why does this happen, and how does it effect the jobs we do and lives we live?  Listen to Eric's comments on why there are such divisions in our society and just how we might bridge them. (Posted: August 2, 2006)

Public education
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Public education can be a force multiplier when it comes to responding to disasters.  In combination with our outreach to citizens we have also done some extensive market research into what people think and believe about disasters.  Listen in and hear some of what we found out. (Posted: July 26, 2006)

Evacuation alert levels
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As summer season heats up, so does the wild land fire threat. You may hear newscasters repeating the evacuation levels for specific areas that are threatened by wild fires. Listen and learn to what these levels mean. And, remember wild land interface fires can happen here in Western Washington with devastating results. (Posted: July 19, 2006)

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Do you know what it means to 'shelter-in-place', should that warning come from public safety officials? Learn more about the realities of sheltering in place and just when it may be used.(Posted: July 12, 2006)

Fusion centers
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What are the hottest buzz words in emergency management? How about "Fusion Centers"? If you haven't heard about fusion centers yet, listen in on this week's podcast to hear Eric's thoughts on this new hot topic and other buzz words you may remember. (Posted: July 5, 2006)

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Who do you trust? Trust is a critical piece of any relationship. Hear Eric discuss how he believes in embracing trust as a way to interact with people. (Posted: June 28, 2006)

Inform, coordinate, or collaborate
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When working with your peers, do you inform, coordinate, or collaborate? Listen to learn more about Eric's views on the differences in these three terms, and how they can help you and your partners. (Posted: June 21, 2006)

Windows of opportunity
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Can a disaster be a good thing? Listen to Eric share his views on how disasters create "windows of opportunity" for emergency managers. (Posted: June 14, 2006)

Media: friend or foe?
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What is the role of the media prior to and during an emergency? Historically the media has had a bad name with emergency managers, however Eric discusses his thoughts on the subject, including why building positive relationships with the media now, can only help during harder times. (Posted: June 7, 2006)

Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina
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Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent response to the disaster has been a launch pad for many discussions and much debate on the future of emergency management in our country. Hear Eric's thoughts on the lessons learned from Katrina and ways to improve our preparedness and response functions for any type emergency we may face. (Posted: May 31, 2006)

3 days 3 ways - Are you prepared?
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How long should we be prepared for a disaster? Following Hurricane Katrina there has been quite a bit of discussion on if this should be for three days, seven days, two weeks...or longer. Learn more about this debate and how to be ready by getting an emergency kit, getting an emergency plan, and getting involved in your community. (Posted: May 24, 2006)

Pandemic Flu: What are the facts?
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Eric discusses why the pandemic flu is the worst-case disaster we may face in our region, our country, or even the world. Find out the facts and realities of the next pandemic flu. (Posted: May 17, 2006)





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  Updated: April 21, 2008