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Port Planning & Marketing Fund
Grant funding to assist ports
Grant funding to assist ports in conducting planning or marketing studies relating to expanding their trade and commerce activities.
Ports in Oregon are directly and actively involved in carrying out economic development and international trade efforts. These efforts include developing and marketing facilities and services that support important industries in the state, including agriculture, aviation, fishing, maritime commerce, transportation, tourism/recreation and wood products.

Eligible applicants
Any port incorporated under ORS Chapter 777 or 778 may apply for funding. The 24 legally formed Port Districts are the only entities eligible to apply.

Eligible projects
The department may make funds available to any eligible port for a planning or marketing project necessary for improving the port's ability to carry out its authorized functions and activities relating to trade and commerce.
Project criteria and limitations
The project must meet the following criteria:
  • Enhance the Port's ability to conduct trade and commerce

  • Lead to economic diversification, development or new or emerging industry, or redevelopment of existing public facilities

  • Should maintain consistency with any applicable county or city comprehensive planning

  • Project is not an unnecessary duplication of marketing efforts among Ports

  • Funding cannot be used to subsidize regular Port operating expenses

  • Project will not require or rely upon continuing subsides from the department

Funding for the Port Planning and Marketing Fund is provided through a transfer of the interest earned on the Oregon Port Revolving Fund. The Port Planning and Marketing Fund is primarily a grant program. Grants from the Port Planning and Marketing Fund are capped at $25,000 or 75 percent of the total cost of the project, whichever is less.
A 25 percent local match is required for all projects. The local match may be in the form of cash or a combination of cash and in-kind services. If both cash and in-kind services are used for the required match, the cash match must be 75 percent or more of the total local match.
Half of the funds available annually in the Port Planning and Marketing Fund are reserved for high priority projects (see list below). These funds are reserved for the first four months of the state fiscal year, after which any remaining funds will be made available for other eligible projects.
High priority projects
  • Development of strategic buisness, marketing or financial plans for ports
  • Updates to such plans that are required to keep the plans current for a period of five years
  • Regional or cooperative projects that benfit more than one port
  • Projects that leverage other marketing and development efforts by the state or other government units
Note: Projects must meet the standards set by the Peer Review Committee. The Peer Review Committee consists of four representatives from Oregon Ports that set the standards for projects and reviews products of funded projects prior to disbursement of final payments.


Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS): 285A.654-285A.660

Oregon Administrative Rules: 123 Division 25

Page updated: August 25, 2008

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