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Dear Friend,

Welcome to the vast and unique world of the North Slope Borough. Here on the northern edge of the continent, you will discover the otherworldly landscapes and abundant wildlife that inspired the ancient cultural traditions practiced today by Iñupiat Eskimos.

America's Arctic is full of surprises. It is home to a subsistence whaling tradition that extends back for as long as our collective memory has existed, yet it also hosts some of the world's most advanced technology in the oil fields spreading out from Prudhoe Bay. The land is vast and remote; and while seemingly rugged, is really remarkably fragile. Our land and waters recover very slowly from damage, so the risks from oil and gas development can be high. We work closely with the oil industry, state, and federal agencies to make sure that everyone can benefit from the resource wealth of this region without sacrificing the natural gifts that have sustained Iñupiat culture for thousands of years.

The people of the Arctic have survived in one of the world's harshest climates through our ability to adapt. We adapted to the discovery of oil in our traditional homeland by forming the North Slope Borough. Our borough has offered local residents a chance to help manage our lands and participate in the benefits of the oil boom. Through the borough, we have been able to enjoy the advantages of the modern world at the same time as we protect the subsistence values we hold dear.

I hope this website will give you a sense of the people and activities you will encounter in our North Slope communities. I think you will be impressed by the high quality infrastructures and services that have been made possible through the borough. We take pride in the schools and health facilities that make our communities livable and provide the framework for a life that will inspire our children as it honors our ancestors.

These are our twin goals -- to create opportunity for the future and to assure continuity with the past. We hope you will appreciate our efforts and enjoy your visit to this marvelous place we call home.

[/Signed/ Edward S. Itta ]
Edward S. Itta
Mayor, North Slope Borough

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North Slope Borough
P.O. Box 69
Barrow, AK 99723
(907) 852-2611
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