Pseudoroegneria spicata: References

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131. Harris, Grant A.; Goebel, Carl J. 1976. Factors of plant competition in seeding Pacific Northwest bunchgrass ranges. Bulletin 820. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, College of Agriculture Research Center. 27 p. [1096]

132. Harris, Grant A.; Wilson, A. M. 1970. Competition for moisture among seedlings of annual and perennial grasses as influenced by root elongation at low temperature. Ecology. 51(3): 530-534. [1097]

133. Hess, Karl; Wasser, Clinton H. 1982. Grassland, shrubland, and forestland habitat types of the White River-Arapaho National Forest. Final Report. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 335 p. [1142]

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137. Hitchcock, C. Leo; Cronquist, Arthur. 1973. Flora of the Pacific Northwest. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press. 730 p. [1168]

138. Hobbs, N. T.; Spowart, R. A. 1984. Effects of prescribed fire on nutrition of mountain sheep and mule deer during winter and spring. Journal of Wildlife Management. 48(2): 551-560. [4485]

139. Hoffman, George R.; Alexander, Robert R. 1976. Forest vegetation of the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming: a habitat type classification. Res. Pap. RM-170. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 38 p. [1180]

140. Holechek, Jerry L.; Vavra, Martin; Skovlin, Jon; Krueger, William C. 1982. Cattle diets in the Blue Mountains of Oregon: I. Grasslands. Journal of Range Management. 35(1): 109-112. [242]

141. Hopkins, William E. 1979. Plant associations of the Fremont National Forest. R6-ECOL-79-004. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. 106 p. [7340]

142. Hopkins, William E.; Kovalchik, Bernard L. 1983. Plant associations of the Crooked River National Grassland. R6 Ecol 133-1983. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. 98 p. [1193]

143. Hull, A. C., Jr. 1971. Grass mixtures for seeding sagebrush lands. Journal of Range Management. 24: 150-152. [1209]

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145. Hurd, Richard M.; Pearse, C. Kenneth. 1944. Relative palatability of eight grasses used in range reseeding. Journal of the American Society of Agronomy. 36(2): 162-165. [29181]

146. Irwin, Larry L.; Peek, James M. 1983. Elk, Cervus elaphus, foraging related to forest management and succession in Idaho. Canadian Field-Naturalist. 97(4): 443-447. [16524]

147. Jensen, M. E.; Peck, L. S.; Wilson, M. V. 1988. A sagebrush community type classification for mountainous northeastern Nevada rangelands. The Great Basin Naturalist. 48: 422-433. [27717]

148. Jirik, Steven J.; Bunting, Stephen C. 1994. Post-fire defoliation response of Agropyron spicatum and Sitanion hystrix. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 4(2): 77-82. [23609]

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151. Johnson, Craig A. 1989. Early spring prescribed burning of big game winter range in the Snake River Canyon of westcentral Idaho. In: Baumgartner, David M.; Breuer, David W.; Zamora, Benjamin A.; [and others], compilers. Prescribed fire in the Intermountain region: Symposium proceedings; 1986 March 3-5; Spokane, WA. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Cooperative Extension: 151-155. [11263]

152. Jones, Thomas A.; Ralphs, Michael H.; Nielson, Dale C. 1994. Cattle preference for 4 wheatgrass taxa. Journal of Range Management. 47(2): 119-122. [29173]

153. Jones, Thomas A.; Urness, Philip J.; Nielson, Dale C. 1996. Technical note. Spring grazing preference of wheatgrass taxa by Rocky Mountain elk. Journal of Range Management. 49: 474-476. [27141]

154. Kartesz, John T. 1994. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. Volume I--checklist. 2nd ed. Portland, OR: Timber Press. 622 p. [23877]

155. Kearney, Thomas H.; Peebles, Robert H.; Howell, John Thomas; McClintock, Elizabeth. 1960. Arizona flora. 2d ed. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 1085 p. [6563]

156. Keating, Kimberly A.; Irby, Lynn R.; Kasworm, Wayne F. 1985. Mountain sheep winter food habits in the upper Yellowstone Valley. Journal of Wildlife Management. 49(1): 156-161. [15521]

157. Keay, Jeffrey A. 1977. Relationship of habitat use patterns and forage preferences of white-tailed and mule deer to post-fire vegetation, Upper Selway River. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 76 p. Thesis. [1316]

158. Keay, Jeffrey A.; Peek, James M. 1980. Relationships between fires and winter habitat of deer in Idaho. Journal of Wildlife Management. 44(2): 372-380. [125]

159. Kitchen, Stanley G.; Monsen, Stephen B. 1994. Germination rate and emergence success in bluebunch wheatgrass. Journal of Range Management. 47: 145-150. [23224]

160. Kuchler, A. W. 1964. United States [Potential natural vegetation of the conterminous United States]. Special Publication No. 36. New York: American Geographical Society. 1:3,168,000; colored. [3455]

161. Kufeld, Roland C. 1973. Foods eaten by the Rocky Mountain elk. Journal of Range Management. 26(2): 106-113. [1385]

162. Kuntz, David Edward. 1982. Plant response following spring burning in an Artemisia tridentata subsp. vaseyana/ Festuca idahoensis habitat type. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 73 p. Thesis. [1388]

163. Lauer, Jerry L.; Peek, James M. 1976. Big game-livestock relationships on the bighorn sheep winter range, East Fork Salmon River, Idaho. Bulletin No. 12. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station. 44 p. [1417]

164. Laycock, William A. 1967. How heavy grazing and protection affect sagebrush-grass ranges. Journal of Range Management. 20: 206-213. [1421]

165. Lewis, Mont E. 1971. Flora and major plant communities of the Ruby-East Humboldt Mountains with special emphasis on Lamoille Canyon. Elko, NV: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Region 4, Humboldt National Forest. 62 p. [1450]

166. Mack, Richard N.; Thompson, John N. 1982. Evolution in steppe with few large, hooved mammals. The American Naturalist. 119: 757-773. [1507]

167. Mackie, Richard J. 1970. Range ecology and relations of mule deer, elk, and cattle in the Missouri River Breaks, Montana. Wildlife Monographs No. 20. 79 p. [5897]

168. Mangan, Larry; Autenrieth, R. 1985. Vegetation changes following 2,4-D application and fire in a mountain big sagebrush habitat type. In: Sanders, Ken; Durham, Jack, eds. Rangeland fire effects: a symposium: Proceedings of the symposium; 1984 November 27-29; Boise, ID. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office: 61-65. [1519]

169. Martens, Ellen; Palmquist, Debra; Young, James A. 1994. Temperature profiles for germination of cheatgrass versus native perennial bunchgrasses. In: Monsen, Stephen B.; Kitchen, Stanley G., compilers. Proceedings--ecology and management of annual rangelands; 1992 May 18-22; Boise, ID. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-313. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 238-243. [24289]

170. Mauk, Ronald L.; Henderson, Jan A. 1984. Coniferous forest habitat types of northern Utah. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-170. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 89 p. [1553]

171. McCarty, Robert S., Jr. 1982. Little Lost/Birch Creek antelope habitat management plan. In: Proceedings, 10th pronghorn antelope workshop; 1982 April 5-7; Dickinson, ND. [Place of publication unknown]: [Publisher unknown]: 229-245. [25688]

172. McIlvanie, Samuel K. 1942. Carbohydrate and nitrogen trends in bluebunch wheatgrass, Agropyron spicatum, with special reference to grazing influences. Plant Physiology. 17: 540-557. [16577]

173. McInnis, Michael L.; Vavra, Martin. 1987. Dietary relationships among feral horses, cattle, and pronghorn in southeastern Oregon. Journal of Range Management. 40(1): 60-66. [1605]

174. McLean, Alastair; Wikeem, Sandra. 1985. Influence of season and intensity of defoliation on bluebunch wheatgrass survival and vigor in southern British Columbia. Journal of Range Management. 38(1): 21-26. [1623]

175. McShane, M. Colleen; Sauer, Ronald H. 1985. Comparison of experimental fall burning and clipping on bluebunch wheatgrass. Northwest Science. 59(4): 313-318. [1626]

176. Merrill, Evelyn H.; Mayland, Henry F.; Peek, James M. 1980. Effects of a fall wildfire on herbaceous vegetation on xeric sites in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Idaho. Journal of Range Management. 33(5): 363-367. [1642]

177. Miller, Richard F.; Seufert, Jamie M.; Hauferkamp, Marshall R. 1986. The ecology and management of bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyon spicatum): a review. Station Bulletin 669. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University, Agriculture Experiment Station. 39 p. [6666]

178. Miller, Valerie A. 1990. Knapweed as forage for big game in the Kootenays. In: Roche, Ben F.; Roche, Cindy Talbott, eds. Range weeds revisted: Proceedings of a symposium: A 1989 Pacific Northwest range management short course; 1989 January 24-26; Spokane, WA. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Cooperative Extension: 35-37. [14832]

179. Monsen, Stephen B.; McArthur, E. Durant. 1985. Factors influencing establishment of seeded broadleaf herbs and shrubs following fire. In: Sanders, Ken; Durham, Jack, eds. Rangeland fire effects: a symposium: Proceedings of the symposium; 1984 November 27-29; Boise, ID. Boise, ID: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office: 112-124. [1682]

180. Moomaw, James Curtis. 1956. Some effects of grazing and fire on vegetation in the Columbia Basin region, Washington. Pullman, WA: State College of Washington. 87 p. Dissertation. [1688]

181. Morris, Melvin S.; Schwartz, John E. 1957. Mule deer and elk food habits on the National Bison Range. Journal of Wildlife Management. 21(2): 189-193. [14150]

182. Mower, Kerry J.; Smith, H. Duane. 1989. Diet similarity between elk and deer in Utah. The Great Basin Naturalist. 49(4): 552-555. [9929]

183. Mueggler, W. F. 1972. Influence of competition on the response of bluebunch wheatgrass to clipping. Journal of Range Management. 25: 88-92. [1708]

184. Mueggler, W. F. 1975. Rate and pattern of vigor recovery in Idaho fescue and bluebunch wheat grass. Journal of Range Management. 28(3): 198-204. [164]

185. Mueggler, W. F.; Stewart, W. L. 1980. Grassland and shrubland habitat types of western Montana. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-66. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 154 p. [1717]

186. Mueggler, Walter F. 1983. Variation in production and seasonal development of mountain grasslands in western Montana. Research Paper INT-316. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 16 p. [1710]

187. Mueggler, Walter F.; Blaisdell, James P. 1958. Effects on associated species of burning, rotobeating, spraying, and railing sagebrush. Journal of Range Management. 11: 61-66. [1712]

188. Norland, J. E.; Singer, F. J.; Mack, L. 1996. Effects of the Yellowstone fires of 1988 on elk habitats. In: Greenlee, Jason, ed. The ecological implications of fire in Greater Yellowstone: Proceedings, 2nd biennial conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem; 1993 September 19-21; Yellowstone National Park, WY. Fairfield, WA: International Association of Wildland Fire: 223-232. [27859]

189. Noste, Nonan V. 1982. Vegetation response to spring and fall burning for wildlife habitat improvement. In: Baumgartner, David M., compiler & editor. Site preparation and fuels management on steep terrain. In: Proceedings of a symposium; 1982 February 15-17; Spokane, WA. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Cooperative Extension: 125-132. [1784]

190. Parminter, John. 1991. Fire history and effects on vegetation in three biogeoclimatic zones of British Columbia. In: Nodvin, Stephen C.; Waldrop, Thomas A., eds. Fire and the environment: ecological and cultural perspectives: Proceedings of an international symposium; 1990 March 20-24; Knoxville, TN. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-69. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station: 263-272. [16651]

191. Patton, Bob D.; Hironaka, M.; Bunting, Stephen C. 1988. Effect of burning on seed production of bluebunch wheatgrass, Idaho fescue, and Columbia needlegrass. Journal of Range Management. 41(3): 232-234. [5234]

192. Pechanec, Joseph F.; Stewart, George. 1949. Grazing spring-fall sheep ranges of southern Idaho. Circular No. 808. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 34 p. [1855]

193. Peek, James M.; Riggs, Robert A.; Lauer, Jerry L. 1979. Evaluation of fall burning on bighorn sheep winter range. Journal of Range Management. 32(6): 430-432. [1863]

194. Peek, James, M.; Demarchi, Dennis A.; Demarchi, Raymond A.; Stucker, Donald E. 1985. Bighorn sheep and fire: seven case histories. In: Lotan, James E.; Brown, James K., compilers. Fire's effect on wildlife habitat--symposium proceedings; 1984 March 21; Missoula, MT. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-186. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station: 36-43. [1864]

195. Peters, Erin F.; Bunting, Stephen C. 1994. Fire conditions pre- and postoccurrence of annual grasses on the Snake River Plain. In: Monsen, Stephen B.; Kitchen, Stanley G., compilers. Proceedings--ecology and management of annual rangelands; 1992 May 18-22; Boise, ID. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-313. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 31-36. [24249]

196. Pfister, Robert D.; Kovalchik, Bernard L.; Arno, Stephen F.; Presby, Richard C. 1977. Forest habitat types of Montana. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-34. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 174 p. [1878]

197. Pickford, G. D. 1932. The influence of continued heavy grazing and of promiscuous burning on spring-fall ranges in Utah. Ecology. 13(2): 159-171. [1886]

198. Poreda, Stephen F.; Wullstein, Leroy H. 1994. Vegetation recovery following fire in an oakbrush vegetation mosaic. The Great Basin Naturalist. 54: 380-383. [25512]

199. Pyke, David A. 1986. Demographic responses of Bromus tectorum and seedlings of Agropyron spicatum to grazing by small mammals: occurrence and severity of grazing. Journal of Ecology. 74: 739-754. [4517]

200. Pyke, David A. 1987. Demographic responses of Bromus tectorum and seedlings of Agropyron spicatum to grazing by small mammals: the influence of grazing frequency and plant age. Journal of Ecology. 75: 825-835. [16210]

201. Quinton, Dee A.; McLean, Alistair; Stout, Darryl G. 1982. Vegetative and reproductive growth of bluebunch wheatgrass in interior British Columbia. Journal of Range Management. 35(1): 46-51. [1927]

202. Range, Phil; Veisze, Paul; Beyer, Cheryl; Zschaechner, Greg. 1982. Great Basin rate-of-spread study: Fire behavior/fire effects. Reno, Nevada: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Nevada State Office, Branch of Protection. 56 p. [1935]

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204. Richards, J. H. 1984. Root growth response to defoliation in two Agropyron bunchgrasses: field observations with an improved root periscope. Oecologia. 64: 21-25. [1970]

205. Robberecht, Ronald; Defosse, Guillermo E. 1995. The relative sensitivity of two bunchgrass species to fire. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 5(3): 127-134. [26006]

206. Robertson, D. R.; Nielsen, J. L.; Bare, N. H. 1966. Vegetation and soils of alkali sagebrush and adjacent big sagebrush ranges in North Park, Colorado. Journal of Range Management. 19: 17-20; 1966. [2004]

207. Ross, Robert L.; Hunter, Harold E. 1976. Climax vegetation of Montana: Based on soils and climate. Bozeman, MT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 64 p. [2028]

208. Rydberg, Per Axel. 1909. Studies on the Rocky Mountain flora--XIX. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 36: 531-541. [29598]

209. Sapsis, David B. 1990. Ecological effects of spring and fall prescribed burning on basin big sagebrush/Idaho fescue--bluebunch wheatgrass communities. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University. 105 p. Thesis. [16579]

210. Schlatterer, Edward F. 1972. A preliminary description of plant communities found on the Sawtooth, White Cloud, Boulder and Pioneer Mountains. Unpublished report. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Region. 111 p. [2076]

211. Shiflet, Thomas N., ed. 1994. Rangeland cover types of the United States. Denver, CO: Society for Range Management. 152 p. [23362]

212. Smith, Jane Kapler; Fischer, William C. 1997. Fire ecology of the forest habitat types of northern Idaho. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-363. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 142 p. [27992]

213. Sours, John M. 1983. Characteristics and uses of important grasses for arid western rangelands. In: Monsen, Stephen B.; Shaw, Nancy, compilers. Managing Intermountain rangelands--improvement of range and wildlife habitats: Proceedings of a symposia; 1981 September 15-17; Twin Falls, ID; 1982 June 22-24; Elko, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-157. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station: 90-94. [2201]

214. Steele, Robert; Geier-Hayes, Kathleen. 1995. Major Douglas-fir habitat types of central Idaho: a summary of succession and management. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-331. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station. 23 p. [26587]

215. Steele, Robert; Pfister, Robert D. 1991. Western-montane plant communities and forest ecosystem perspectives. In: Harvey, Alan E.; Neuenschwander, Leon F., compilers. Proceedings--management and productivity of western-montane forest soils; 1990 April 10-12; Boise, ID. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-280. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 20-28. [15965]

216. Steele, Robert; Pfister, Robert D.; Ryker, Russell A.; Kittams, Jay A. 1981. Forest habitat types of central Idaho. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-114. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 138 p. [2231]

217. Stevens, Richard. 1983. Species adapted for seeding mountain brush, big, black, and low sagebrush, and pinyon-juniper communities. In: Monsen, Stephen B.; Shaw, Nancy, compilers. Managing Intermountain rangelands--improvement of range and wildlife habitats: Proceedings; 1981 September 15-17; Twin Falls, ID; 1982 June 22-24; Elko, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-157. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station: 78-82. [2240]

218. Stickney, Peter F. 1989. Seral origin of species originating in northern Rocky Mountain forests. Unpublished draft on file at: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory, Missoula, MT; RWU 4403 files. 10 p. [20090]

219. Strang, Roy M. 1989. Impacts of fire on herbaceous vegetation. In: Baumgartner, David M.; Breuer, David W.; Zamora, Benjamin A.; [and others], compilers. Prescribed fire in the Intermountain region: Symposium proceedings; 1986 March 3-5; Spokane, WA. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Cooperative Extension: 111-112. [11256]

220. Tausch, Robin J.; Chamber, Jeanne C.; Blank, Robert R.; Nowak, Robert S. 1995. Differential establishment of perennial grass and cheatgrass following fire on an ungrazed sagebrush-juniper site. In: Roundy, Bruce A.; McArthur, E. Durant; Halley, Jennifer S.; Mann, David K., compilers. Proceedings: wildland shrub and arid land restoration symposium; 1993 October 19-21; Las Vegas, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-GTR-315. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 252-257. [24857]

221. Thompson, S. M. 1990. The initial response of several forage species to prescribed burning in southeastern British Columbia. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia. 137 p. Thesis. [27997]

222. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1994. Plants of the U.S.--alphabetical listing. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 954 p. [23104]

223. Volland, Leonard A. 1985. Plant associations of the central Oregon Pumice Zone. R6-ECOL-104-1985. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. 138 p. [7341]

224. Volland, Leonard A.; Dell, John D. 1981. Fire effects on Pacific Northwest forest and range vegetation. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, Range Management and Aviation and Fire Management. 23 p. [2434]

225. Welsh, Stanley L.; Atwood, N. Duane; Goodrich, Sherel; Higgins, Larry C., eds. 1987. A Utah flora. The Great Basin Naturalist Memoir No. 9. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University. 894 p. [2944]

226. West, Neil E.; Hassan, M. A. 1985. Recovery of sagebrush-grass vegetation following wildfire. Journal of Range Management. 38(2): 131-134. [2513]

227. Whisenant, Steven G. 1990. Changing fire frequencies on Idaho's Snake River Plains: ecological and management implications. In: Mcarthur, E. Durant; Romney, Evan M.; Smith, Stanley D.; Tueller, Paul T., compilers. Proceedings--symposium on cheatgrass invasion, shrub die-off, and other aspects of shrub biology and management; 1989 April 5-7; Las Vegas, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-276. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station: 4-10. [12729]

228. Wikeem, Brian M.; Strang, R.M. 1983. Prescribed burning on B.C. rangelands: the state of the art. Journal of Range Management. 36(1): 3-8. [2558]

229. Williams, Clinton K.; Lillybridge, Terry R. 1983. Forested plant associations of the Okanogan National Forest. R6-Ecol-132b. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. 116 p. [2566]

230. Willms, W.; Bailey, A. W.; McLean, A. 1980. Some effects of soil and air temperature on growth of Agropyron spicatum following clipping or burning. Canadian Journal of Botany. 58: 568-573. [2573]

231. Willms, W.; Bailey, A. W.; McLean, A.; Kalnin, C. 1981. Effects of fall clipping or burning on the distribution of chemical constituents in bluebunch wheatgrass in spring. Journal of Range Management. 34(4): 267-269. [2575]

232. Wright, Henry A.; Neuenschwander, Leon F.; Britton, Carlton M. 1979. The role and use of fire in sagebrush-grass and pinyon-juniper plant communities: A state-of-the-art review. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-58. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 48 p. [2625]

233. Young, Richard P. 1983. Fire as a vegetation management tool in rangelands of the Intermountain Region. In: Monsen, Stephen B.; Shaw, Nancy, compilers. Managing Intermountain rangelands--improvement of range and wildlife habitats: Proceedings; 1981 September 15-17; Twin Falls, ID; 1982 June 22-24; Elko, NV. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-157. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station: 18-31. [2681]

234. Zamora, Benjamin A. 1989. Tiller characteristics of bluebunch wheatgrass during the first growing season after fall burning. In: Baumgartner, David M.; Breuer, David W.; Zamora, Benjamin A.; [and others], compilers. Prescribed fire in the Intermountain region: Symposium proceedings; 1986 March 3-5; Spokane, WA. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Cooperative Extension: 113-116. [11257]

235. Zimmerman, Gordon Thomas. 1979. Livestock grazing, fire, and their interactions within the Douglas-fir/ ninebark habitat type of northern Idaho. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. 145 p. Thesis. [6724]

236. Youngblood, Andrew; Metlen, Kerry L.; Coe, Kent. 2006. Changes in stand structure and composition after restoration treatments in low elevation dry forests of northeastern Oregon. Forest Ecology and Management. 234(1-3): 143-163. [64992]

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