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Agricultural Research Magazine

September 2006 - Vol. 54, No. 9

You'll find Agricultural Research magazine full text articles on this server in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) or in PDF (Portable Document Format). If you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for pdf files, click here: Get Acrobat Reader

Table of Contents

Forum—Ornamentals Find Their Niche (html) or (pdf)

Twice as Nice: Breeding Versatile Vegetables (html) or (pdf)

Controlling Tropical Spiderwort in the Southeast (html) or (pdf)

Sticking It to the South American Cactus Moth (html) or (pdf)
Controlando la polilla sudamericana de la tuna (html)

Tenderizing Tough Brahmans (html) or (pdf)

Probing Peppers' Water Needs: Middle East Meets American West (html) or (pdf)

For Innovative Pest Control, a New Gene-Transfer Technique (html) or (pdf)

Beeting Back the Enemy (html) or (pdf)

Making a Better Barley for Brewing (html) or (pdf)

Selenium: Which Form Is Best for Lambs? (html) or (pdf)

Additives Boost Pathogens in Compost Tea (html) or (pdf)

Erosion at Warp Speed? (html) or (pdf)

Science Update (html) or (pdf)
     Getting a Grip on Greenbugs
     Propane To Power Farm Operations
     High-Tech Snooping on Stored Food Pests
     Stored Grains Are Singing




Last Modified: 09/12/2006
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