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Search Begins for Hawaii's Best Exporters

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For Immediate Release: September 22, 2004
DBEDT Release News 04-28

HONOLULU--The search continues in all island counties for Hawaii's top exporters for 2004. The Exporter of the Year will be selected from among six top category winners in the following sectors:

Exporter of Fresh Commodities
Exporter of Manufactured Products
Exporter of Professional Services
Exporter of High Technology
Exporter of the Arts
New Exporter

"This year the 'Exporter of the Arts' category has been added to acknowledge that Hawaii's creative industries are a major a new contributor to Hawaii's economy," said DBEDT Director Theodore E. Liu. "We believe this program is especially relevant since Hawaii led the nation export growth early this year."

In addition, Exporter of the Year and Outstanding Contributor to Exporting awards will be given to individuals and/or organizations that have been instrumental in helping promote exporting in the state.

Anyone may nominate qualified individuals and companies. Hawaii registered companies that export products/services to foreign and/or domestic markets will be eligible to submit an application. Nominees will be evaluated based on the following considerations:

  • Nominees must be registered to do business in the State of Hawaii and be in good standing.
  • Sustained profitability and sales growth.
  • Expansion of company (plant capacity, product lines, employees, facilities, services, etc.).
  • Exports constitute at least 20% of the applicant's total product sales and/or exceed the industry's average percentage (if that statistical information is available).
  • Outstanding, aggressive and creative marketing, resulting in sustained volume of exports over a period of three years.
  • The successful introduction of a new export-product.
  • Development of a new market abroad for an existing product not previously exported.
  • Opening of a new trade area previously closed to American companies or extremely limited because of competitive reasons.

Nominees must have a sponsoring organization, such as a financial institution, CPA or a business/industry association, in order to submit an application.

The deadline for applications has been extended. Completed applications must be received by 4:00 p.m., Friday, October 8, 2004.

Recipients of the awards will be recognized at an award ceremony. The Exporter of the Year awardee will receive an engraved award, a Governor's Proclamation, and use of the exporter logo for a period of three years.

Co-sponsoring this program with the Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism, is the State of Hawaii and Department of Agriculture. Supporting organizations are the U.S. Small Business Administration, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the Hawaii Agricultural Leadership Foundation, and the Pacific Business News.

For more information and award rules, please contact DBEDT at:

Telephone: (808) 587-2584
Fax: (808) 587-3388
Address: P.O. Box 2359, Honolulu, Hawaii 96804

For more information, contact:
Dave Young
Phone: (808) 587-1212

Last modified 11-03-2005 09:10 AM