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Community of Interest (COI) Resource


The COI Resource is a central location to find up to date information and news on various activities being conducted to implement the DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy.  This site contains general guidance,, COI briefings and other information which is useful to organizations and individuals supporting COIs, looking to form COIs or conducting other activities to implement the Net-Centric Data Strategy.


Communities of Interest (COIs) are an approach for developing the agreements necessary for meaningful information exchange and doing so on a community-basis. The COI concept is described in the DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy and directed by DoD Directive 8320.2, "Data Sharing in a Net-Centric Department of Defense". A Community of Interest consists of collaborative groups who come together to solve information sharing problems in order to develop operational capabilities.  COI solve information sharing problems by developing a shared vocabulary to exchange information in pursuit of their shared goals, interests, missions, or business processes. This group includes operators, program managers, application developers, subject matter experts, Combatant Command, Service and Agency representatives, and IT Portfolio representatives.


Why are COIs formed?


What do COIs do once formed?

  • Solve information sharing problems
  • Resolve issues affecting their communities
  • Increase information sharing, volume, speed, and reach to known and authorized unanticipated users
  • Provide organization and maintenance construct for the sharing of data





  • Define shared vocabularies and taxonomies
  • Make data assets visible, accessible, and understandable (tagged and discoverable) to authorized users
  • Identify data assets such as files, databases, and information services
  • Register semantic and structural metadata to the DoD Metadata Registry

DoD Directive 8320.2

DoD Directive 8320.2 establishes policies and responsibilities to implement data sharing, in accordance with Department of Defense Chief Information Officer Memorandum, "DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy," May 9, 2003, throughout the Department of Defense.   COIs are a collaborative group of people that must exchange information in pursuit of its shared goals, interests, missions, or business processes and therefore must have a shared vocabulary for the information it exchanges.  To achieve data sharing among its communities, COIs must make data Visible, Accessible, and Understandable.  

Visible – Users (people and machines) can find your data on the network.

Accessible – Once found, users’ tools or applications can get to your data.  

Understandable – Users can find metadata that describes your data so others can understand how to use it.

TrustedData is protected as required by policy and law to users with appropriate credentials

Governable – A structure exists for managing data products and access.



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