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Project Reports

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You may click on the links below to read reports (requires Adobe Acrobat - free), or you can right-click to download them to your computer before reading. Downloading first is recommended, particularly for larger files.

Sustainable Tourism Project Summary Report

Summary Report (1.1 MB) Acrobat icon

Economic and Environmental Modeling Study

Modeling Summary Report (0.3 MB) Acrobat icon
Modeling Report (6.6 MB) Acrobat icon
Modeling Technical Report (4.4 MB) Acrobat icon

Socio-Cultural and Public Input Study

Socio-Cultural Summary Report (0.9 MB) Acrobat icon
Socio-Cultural Impact Report (1.0 MB) Acrobat icon
Resident Survey Report (0.9 MB) Acrobat icon
Native Hawaiian Impact Report (0.5 MB) Acrobat icon
Sustainable Tourism Study Group Report (0.3 MB) Acrobat icon
Sustainable Tourism System Framework(0.3 MB) Acrobat icon

Infrastructure and Environmental Overview Study

Recommendations (0.4 MB) Acrobat icon
Hawaii State Summary (5.4 MB) Acrobat icon
Maui County (1.2 MB) Acrobat icon
City & County of Honolulu (2.0 MB) Acrobat icon
Hawaii County (3.8 MB) Acrobat icon
Kauai County (1.0 MB) Acrobat icon
Appendix for Hawaii State (4.9 MB) Acrobat icon
Appendix for Maui County (1.8 MB) Acrobat icon
Appendix for C&C Honolulu (2.2 MB) Acrobat icon
Appendix for Hawaii County (2.5 MB) Acrobat icon
Appendix for Kauai County (1.9 MB) Acrobat icon

Hawaii Natural Resources Assessment Study

Note: These files are big and will take some time to download for dial-up systems

Hawaii Tourism Authority Research & Report Archives

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Last modified 03-04-2008 03:45 PM