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Start & Grow a Business

    With an eye towards economic growth and diversification, the State of Hawaii has strived to create an environment conducive to the start up and growth of new business ventures. A streamlined business registration process and a variety of tax credits, subsidies and exemptions available to small businesses, high technology companies and the film industry, are all recent examples of the State's efforts to improve the environment for business in Hawaii.

    Coupled with the operation and administration of several different programs and agencies, these efforts are designed to provide prospective entrepreneurs and investors readily accesible resources for available financing, minimizing overhead start up costs, and to aid new ventures in the growth of long-term, viable, competitive businesses in the Hawaiian marketplace.

    Use the links in this section to discover the advantages and existing resources the State has to offer prospective entrepreneurs and business owners for exploring the potential of starting a business venture in Hawaii.

  • Regulations, Licensing & Permits
    Hawaii's Simple Business Registration Process
  • Find Markets & Opportunities
  • Investing & Partnering
  • Tax Structure
  • Build a Competitive Business
  • Patents, Copyrights & Trademarks
  • Moving to E-commerce
  • Small Business Information
  • Hawaii Enterprise Zone Partnership