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Hawaii Energy Strategy (HES)

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The HES program was initiated in 1992 to increase the understanding of Hawaii’s energy situation and to make recommendations towards the achievement of the State Energy Objectives as outlined in Chapter 226-18, Hawaii Revised Statutes.

HES 2007

HES 2007 will build upon previous work and the Governor’s "Energy for Tomorrow" initiative to chart a clear, executable path to:

  • Reduce the state’s dependence on oil;
  • Protect the environment;
  • Reduce negative economic impacts related to use of imported fuels;
  • Enhance renewable energy use and energy efficiency; and
  • Improve the security and reliability of Hawaii’s energy system.

Hawaii Energy Strategy Stakeholder Meetings

If you have questions, or would like to be added to the list for future notification of HES-related events, please contact Steve Alber via telephone at 587-3837 or email salber @

Hawaii Energy Strategy Stakeholder Meeting #3 on December 13, 2006 

This was the third public meeting to discuss the Hawaii Energy Strategy (HES) 2007 Project.

Welcoming Remarks
by Maurice Kaya

Project Update
by Rocky Mountain Institute

Comments, Questions, and Responses
Summary of stakeholder discussion

Previous meetings:

Stakeholder Meeting #2 on October 24, 2006:

On October 24, 2006,  the public was invited to a meeting at the State Capitol Auditorium to hear about progress to date and to continue to discuss the Hawaii Energy Strategy 2007 (HES 2007) project.

Welcoming Remarks
by Theodore Liu

Project Update
by Rocky Mountain Institute

Comments and Questions from Meeting Participants:


Stakeholder Meeting #1 on July 6, 2006:

On July 6, 2006,  the public was invited to a meeting at the State Capitol Auditorium to discuss the Hawaii Energy Strategy 2007 (HES 2007) project.

Welcoming Remarks
by Maurice Kaya

Project Description and Approach
by Kyle Datta and Jeff Amlin 

Comments and Questions from Meeting Participants

Biofuels Summit on August 22, 2006:

Briefing Book
(21 pages, pdf file, 3789 kb)
by Rocky Mountain Institute

Technical Synopsis
of August 22, 2006 Biofuels Summit
(21 pages, pdf file, 198 kb)

HES 2000

The most recent Hawaii Energy Strategy update was prepared in 2000. Since then, significant progress has been made in implementing the strategy.

The Energy Resources Coordinator's Annual Reports, available as on-line publications, highlight progess made each year.

Last modified 02-09-2007 09:29 AM