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Ray Aycock, Field Supervisor  
Mississippi Ecological Services Field Office 
6578 Dogwood View Parkway, Suite A 
Jackson, Mississippi 39213  
Phone: 601/965 4900  
Fax: 601/965 4340  

- Items of Interest -

-- New Look For Our Web Page - Coming November 2008! --

News Release -- August 2008, Proposed Change in Status and Critical Habitat Designation for the Flatwoods Salamander

Bald Eagle Protocol

Mississippi Partners for Fish and Wildlife

News Release -- July 17 -- MPFW

News Release -- June 18 -- SAFE for Bears and Landowners

The Lower Delta Partnership

Field Office Informational Fact Sheet

Piping Plover Critical Habitat Q&A

Yazoo Pumps Project Fact Sheet

Longleaf pine seedling in tube by Randy Browning, USFWS
Longleaf pine seedling in tube by Randy Browning, USFWS
Mississippi Sandhill Crane Photo: USFWS
 Mississippi Sandhill Crane Photo: USFWS

-Listed Species by Counties 
Outreach Education Photo: USFWS

-Staff Listing

Cypress Swamp Photo: USFWS
Cypress Swamp Photo: USFWS

Photo Collage: Mike Dawson and USFWS
Last modified August 2008
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