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USDA Programs Specific to Native Americans
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Office of Native American Programs
Programs Specific to American Indians and Alaska Natives
Programs Specific to American Indians and Alaska Natives
USDA has a variety of initiatives that are specifically targeted to meet the needs of Native American communities, including:
  • USDA's Food and Nutrition Service, through its Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, provides monthly food packages to low-income families in approximately 240 Tribes.
  • USDA works with more than 30 Tribes to provide specific supplemental foods, nutrition counseling, and access to health services to low-income women, infants, and children with high nutritional risk under the WIC Program.
  • The Extension Indian Reservation program, administered by USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), conducts education programs on Indian reservations and Tribal jurisdictions through partnerships with the 1862 Land-Grant institutions.
  • CSREES also administers education, research, and outreach programs through partnerships with 31 Tribal Colleges and Universities that have 1994 Land-Grant status.
  • USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) works with Tribes to control foreign diseases like exotic Newcastle disease, and domestic disease issues like rabies in feral dogs.
  • To help protect homeland security, APHIS works with Tribes to establish emergency response plans for agricultural protection.
  • USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service works with Tribes to improve food safety practices in animal slaughter, and in meat processing for wholesale, retail, and home consumption.
  • The Forest Service is working with Indian Tribes through government-to-government relationships to manage the resources entrusted to their care.
  • Targeted credit outreach programs in 35 States increase the number of agriculture lending options available to Tribal farmers and ranchers.
  • Soil and Water Conservation Districts on Tribal lands assist native communities in managing competing interests for environmental resources.
  • Rural Development financial programs help Tribal communities with essential public facilities and services such as water and sewer systems, electric and telephone service, housing and health care, as well as economic development.
  • USDA's Farm Service Agency, Rural Development, and Natural Resources Conservation Service have full- or part-time Service Centers located at numerous Tribal headquarters.