Kansas Water Use in 2000

Water use in Kansas, 1990-2000, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2004-3133


Data presented on this web page for Kansas include estimates of freshwater withdrawals for public supply, domestic, irrigation, livestock, aquaculture, industrial, mining, and thermoelectric water uses. These data are collected in cooperation with State and other Federal agencies, and are published in the report, Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 2000 (Hutson and others, 2004). This report has been published every five years from 1950 to 2000. The next report in this series will present information for 2005.

County-level data for Kansas and other States may be downloaded from the national website at http://water.usgs.gov/watuse/. Years available are 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000. State-level data are available in PDF format from the website for years prior to 1985.


Total Kansas water withdrawals in 2000
Total Kansas ground-water withdrawals in 2000
Total Kansas surface-water withdrawals in 2000


Kansas water-use data are collected primarily by the Kansas Department of Agriculture – Division of Water Resources, or DWR (http://www.ksda.gov/Default.aspx?tabid=173). DWR administers water rights and requires annual reporting of water use by all users except domestic. USGS assists DWR with evaluation of annual water-use reports and publication of municipal and irrigation data. Information requests may be directed to the DWR at (785) 296-3717.

The Kansas Water Office, or KWO (http://www.kwo.org/), uses water data in programs involving the marketing of water from State-owned storage in Federal reservoirs, development of small lakes, regional water-supply planning, and projections of water demands and population. KWO also provides PDF versions of annual publications on municipal and irrigation water use, prepared in cooperation with DWR and USGS, on its website (see Recent Reports).

The Kansas Rural Water Association, or KRWA (http://www.krwa.net/) provides training, technical assistance, and financial and managerial advice to public water suppliers in Kansas. KRWA assists utilities with excessive water loss that has been identified through the annual water-use report process.

Recent Reports

The following reports are available in both print and PDF format.

Kansas Department of Agriculture–Division of Water Resources, Kansas Water Office,
and U.S. Geological Survey, 2004, 2002 Kansas municipal water use
: Topeka, Ks., 79 p.

Kansas Department of Agriculture–Division of Water Resources, Kansas Water Office,
and U.S. Geological Survey, 2004, 2002 Kansas irrigation tables
: Topeka, Ks., 34 p.

Bevans, Hugh E., 1989, Water supply and demand in Sedgwick County, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 89-110, 2 p.

Hutson, S.S, Barber, N.L., Kenny, J.F., Linsey, K.S., Lumia, D.S., and Maupin, M.M.,
2004, Estimated use of water in the United States in 2000
: Reston, Va., U.S. Geological
Survey Circular 1268, 46 p.

Juracek, Kyle E., 1992, Use of a geographic information system to assist with studies of the availability and use of water in Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 92-142, 14 p.

Kenny, J.F., 2004, Water use in Kansas, 1990-2000, U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet
2004-3133, 4 p.

Kenny, J.F., ed., 2004, Guidelines for preparation of state water-use estimates for 2000:
U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods Report 4-A4, 49 p.

Kenny, J.F., 1999, Water loss determination—for what it’s worth: Seneca, Ks., The
Kansas Lifeline, July 1999, p. 68-70.

Kenny, J. F., 1991, Reported water use in Kansas, 1987: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 91-212, 39 p.

Kenny, J. F., 1986, Water demands in Kansas, 1944-84: U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation 86-4038, 33 p.

Spruill, T. B., 1983, Statistical summaries of selected chemical constituents in Kansas ground-water supplies: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 83-263, 33 p.

For additional Information, contact:

Joan Kenny
U.S. Geological Survey
4821 Quail Crest Place
Lawrence, Kansas 66049-3839
Telephone: (785) 832-3529 or (785) 296-0869
Fax: (785) 832-3500
Email: jkenny@usgs.gov