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Title Traffic and transport technology-road, railway, and water-borne transportation
Record ID 23407
Personal Name
Hayashi, Takeshi
Source The Japanese Experience in Technology (The United Nations University, 1990)
Institute of Developing Economies; United Nations University
Publisher The New Zealand Digital Library (University of Waikato) information
Publication Date 19900000
Abstract This is "Part 2: Case Studies - Chapter 9" of the book, "The Japanese Experience in Technology", and includes the following subsections: Modernization and the railway; The transportation network; Issues in railway policy; Original design and production by imitation - The road to self-reliance; and, The role of foreign engineers. This book is a final report of a project on the Japanese experience, initiated by The United Nations University. The United Nations University asked the Institute of Developing Economies in Tokyo to analyze what made it possible for Japan, once an importer of foreign technology, to become an exporter of its own technology. What prompted the University to propose this was no doubt its realization that the solution of current development problems in the developing countries is a matter of global importance and that, for the development of each, technology transfer leading to self-reliance is necessary. The author served as the project coordinator, and though a great part of the information has depended on the project reports, this is not a summary of those reports. Instead, it is an independent work, although its subject and that of the reports supplement each other. Nevertheless, the authors views do not necessarily coincide with those expressed in the reports.
TRT Terms Developing countries information; Technology transfer information; Economic development information; Technology information; Case studies information; Engineers information; Railroad transportation information; Water transportation information; Highway transportation information
General Subjects Japan; Rail policy
NTL - PLANNING AND POLICY - Technology Transfer;
AGR - IMPACTS - Economic and Community Development
ISBN 9280805487
Resource type Book
URL http://www.nzdl.org/cgi-bin/library?e=d-000-00---0ccgi--00-0-0-0prompt-10---4----stt--0-1l--1-en-50---20-about-transportation--00001-001-0-0utfZz-8-0&a=d&c=ccgi&cl=search&d=HASH143ee096399031e1ea2b29.4.6
Language: English
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