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Title 511 deployment assistance report #1 : business models and cost considerations
Record ID 23388
Corporate Creator 511 Deployment Coalition
Publisher Joint Program Office for Intelligent Transportation Systems information
Publication Date 20020100
Abstract Business models and cost recovery are the critical factors for determining the sustainability of the traveler information service, and 511. In March 2001 the Policy Committee directed the 511 Working Group to investigate plausible business models and the appropriateness of their application to 511. It was agreed that a basic 511 service should be available to the end user at no more than the cost of a local call, and that an extended 511 service could be available typically through the private sector, at an additional cost to the consumer. It is these underlying principals that are incorporated into exploration of the business models and cost considerations for enabling these partnerships, and creating the recommendations herein. In the context of 511, the service will be regarded as new from the perspective of callers who previously haven't been exposed to traveler information services. With this in mind, it's important that 511 be sustainable for the long term so that market acceptance and usage can be assured. The Business Models and Cost Sub-committee prepared this document to educate the other members of the 511 Working Group and the members of the 511 Policy Group on issues salient for migrating a planned or existing traveler information service to utilize the 511 dialing code. In addition, it is understood that this document may be used to educate other entities (public and private) interested in deploying the 511 dialing code for advance traveler information systems. This document is available also in MSWord and PDF versions hyperlinked from the beginning of this HTML version.
TRT Terms Advanced traveler information systems information; Advanced driver information systems information; Cost recovery information; Plan implementation information
General Subjects 511; Business models; Business plans; National travel information telephone number; United States
United States
Resource type Research Paper
URL http://www.its.dot.gov/511/511_Costs.htm
Format HTML
Language: English
Database Other Transportation Web Sites
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