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Title GEO satellite markets and functions : Quarterly Launch Report : special report
Record ID 23304
Source Quarterly Launch Report; third quarter 1996
Corporate Creator Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation
Publisher Federal Aviation Administration (U.S. Department of Transportation) information
Publication Date 19960000
Abstract The information revolution has transformed telecommunication markets. The explosive demand for global communication has spawned accelerating technical innovation and fierce competition for telecommunication revenues. Deregulation of telecommunications in the U.S. and in other countries combined with advances in technology have contributed to enhancements in computer capability and affordability, an explosion in use of the Internet, and the wide availability and use of mobile phones, facsimile machines, smart pagers, and other electronic communication tools. Satellites in geosynchronous orbit (GEO) are a vital link in the worlds telecommunication infrastructure. This Special Report summarizes the functions of satellites in geosynchronous orbit and describes the current satellite population in terms of the markets it serves.
TRT Terms Commercial space transportation information; Launching information; Artificial satellites information; Telecommunications information; Communications satellites information; Wireless communication systems information; Globalization information; Governments information
General Subjects Geosynchronous orbit (GEO)
Classification NTL - AVIATION - Aviation Planning and Policy;
NTL - AVIATION - Aviation - Newsletters & Journals
United States
Resource type Research Paper
URL http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/23000/23300/23304/sr_96_3q.pdf
Format PDF
Language: English
Database NTL Digital Repository
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