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Title Structures Division [website]
Record ID 23206
Corporate Creator Utah Department of Transportation
Publisher Utah Department of Transportation information
Publication Date 20030619
Abstract The Structures Division is composed of the Hydraulic, Bridge Operations, Geotechnical, and Bridge Design sections. These sections are directly responsible for designing some of the more technical aspects of transportation facilities, and providing assistance to Region planning, design, construction, and maintenance activities. Additionally, the Division is responsible for providing the technical expertise to construct, operate, and maintain UDOT's bridges, and managing Federal bridge programs and mandates. The Hydraulics page provides access to the current issue of the Drainage Manual of Instruction and a group of useful links. The website provides pictures of various types of bridges across the state; at time of review a subsite on historic Utah bridges was under construction. Contact information is provide for all sections.
TRT Terms Bridge design information; Bridge management systems information; Geotechnical engineering information; Hydraulics information; Structural engineering information; Technical assistance information; Guides to information information; Websites (Information retrieval) information
General Subjects Utah
Classification NTL - HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION - Bridges and Structures;
NTL - HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION - Construction and Maintenance;
Resource type Web Document
URL http://www.udot.utah.gov/str/default.htm
Format HTML
Language: English
Database Other Transportation Web Sites
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