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Title TxDOT Design Division [website]
Record ID 23137
Corporate Creator Texas Department of Transportation
Publisher Texas Department of Transportation information
Publication Date 20030613
Abstract The Design Division serves as a one-stop clearinghouse for project design of roads, rest areas and landscapes. The division is responsible for the geometric and landscape design of highway projects, preforming project plan review and processing. In correlation with these functions, the division is responsible for letting schedules which can be linked from this page along with letting summaries. The division oversees the obligation of federal funds and the Transportation Enhancement Program. Besides links to standards and specification, the division homepage provides a link to the Estimator Converter Program, a utility program that allows Estimator files to be converted into a format suitable for uploading to DCIS, and Estimator Catalogs. The visitor will also find information on precertification of architects and engineers along with professional services contract information. Besides standard information, the division also posts transitory information of importance to its customers such as conferences of interest.
TRT Terms Design engineering information; Design practices information; Design standards information; Highway design information; Landscape design information; Highway planning information; Bids information; Oversight information; Guides to information information
General Subjects Texas
NTL - PLANNING AND POLICY - Management Systems
Resource type Web Document
URL http://www.dot.state.tx.us/des/
Format HTML
Language: English
Database Other Transportation Web Sites
TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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