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Title Rubblizing with bituminous concrete overlay - 10 years' experience in Illinois
Record ID 23119
Personal Name
Heckel, Laura B.
Bureau of Materials and Physical Research (Illinois Department of Transportation)
Publication Date 20020400
Abstract About 16,000 out of 17,000 miles of the Illinois Department of Transportations pavements were originally constructed as either jointed plain concrete, jointed reinforced concrete, or continuously reinforced concrete. Many of these pavements have been rehabilitated or are in need of rehabilitation. Typical repair of all portland cement concrete pavements is to repair the broken and D-cracked sections with patches and overlay with bituminous concrete. Bituminous concrete overlays of PCC pavements usually begin to fail at the reflected joints and patched areas of the old concrete pavement, in addition to areas where the underlying concrete has continued to deteriorate. Rubblization eliminates joints and cracks that may reflect through a bituminous concrete overlay. Ten projects using the rubblization method have been constructed in Illinois, seven of which incorporated experimental features and were closely monitored. The construction and performance of these seven projects are presented in this report. Performance has been very good, with less reflective cracking than on adjacent patch and overlay sections.
TRT Terms Portland cement concrete information; Pavement cracking information; Pavement maintenance information; Rehabilitation (Maintenance) information; Bituminous concrete pavements information; Bituminous overlays information
General Subjects Illinois
Classification NTL - HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION - Construction and Maintenance;
NTL - HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION - Pavement Management and Performance
TRIS Online
Accession No
Report Number IL-PRR-137
Resource type Tech Report
URL http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/23000/23100/23119/137.pdf
Format HTML
Language: English
Database NTL Digital Repository
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