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NTL Catalog Record

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Title SDDOT / Planning and Programs / Project Planning / Long Range Plan
Record ID 23047
Corporate Creator South Dakota Department of Transportation
Publisher South Dakota Department of Transportation information
Publication Date 19990000
Abstract The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) seeks to improve the movement of people and products, to encourage competition and lower transportation costs within and among the transportation modes, and to facilitate economic development. The purpose of the Statewide Intermodal Long Range Plan is to guide decision-making, to monitor transportation challenges and opportunities, to strengthen beneficial intermodal relationships, and to ensure that projects reflect fiscal and political reality. Instead of completing a detailed 20 year forecast of needed transportation projects and assume it is correct, this plan will guide annual decision-making. It will also help coordinate actions with the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Tribal governments, local governments and other public agencies, citizens, and providers by identifying issues of mutual concern and specifying the coordination process that will be used to address the issues. The plan outlines general actions which must be taken to address these opportunities and trends. However, the detailed description of future conditions we desire and the methods for achieving them will be depicted in the Departments Strategic Plan, the STIP, the Statewide Airport Systems Plan, the State Rail Plan, the State Highway Needs Analysis, the Local Roads Needs Study, the Public Transportation Needs Study, the Urban Streets Needs Study, the Highway Systems Studies, the MPOs Long Range Plans, the Intermodal Data, the Financial Forecasting Study, Corridor Studies, and other special studies. All of these items are by reference a component of the Statewide Intermodal Long Range Plan. The plan is accessible from this webpage as a single PDF file (90p; 5.2 Mb). Figures.
TRT Terms Intermodal transportation information; Transportation planning information; Regional planning information; Long range planning information; Strategic planning information
General Subjects South Dakota; South Dakota Statewide Intermodal Long Range Plan; Statewide planning
Classification NTL - FREIGHT - Intermodalism;
NTL - PLANNING AND POLICY - Plans and Policy Statements
South Dakota
Resource type Organisation Info
URL http://www.sddot.com/pe/planning/project_plan.asp
Format HTML
Language: English
Database Other Transportation Web Sites
TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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