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NTL Catalog Record

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Title Data Inventory [website]
Record ID 23040
Corporate Creator South Dakota Department of Transportation
Publisher South Dakota Department of Transportation information
Publication Date 20030531
Abstract The Office of Transportation Data Inventory is responsible for the collection, retention, analysis, and reporting of the physical characteristics and traffic activity on the state's transportation network to assist in its planning, design, and maintenance. This includes providing mapping and map products for the state, counties, cities, tourism; on roads and streets, the amount of travel, the volume of traffic, vehicle classification, vehicles weights, and speed; the number and location of miles of road by jurisdiction, surface condition, pavement distress, visual display; year roadway built, reconstructed, rehabilitated, and type; location, type and severity of accidents, statistics, and reports. Maps at the city, county and state level are in DGN and DWG formats requiring that the file be downloaded to the users hard drive or floppy for opening; city maps are also in PDF format. Statistical reports from the Traffic Monitoring that are available on-line are in PDF format. The Accident Records sections provides copies of accident reports for a fee; a form to request a report is available in PDF format for printout. This section also complies a yearly statistical summary, South Dakota Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident Summary, available on-line in PDF format starting with the 1997 edition.
TRT Terms Traffic data information; Accident data information; Statistics information; Pavement performance information; Pavement management systems information; Maps information; Digital maps information; Vehicle miles of travel information; Vehicle classification information
General Subjects South Dakota
NTL - HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION - Pavement Management and Performance;
South Dakota
Resource type Web Document
URL http://www.sddot.com/pe/data/
Format HTML
Language: English
Database Other Transportation Web Sites
TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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