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Title Governor's highway safety program [homepage]
Record ID 22675
Corporate Creator North Carolina Department Of Transportation
Publisher North Carolina Department of Transportation information
Publication Date 20030430
Abstract The Governor's Highway Safety Program seeks to educate the public about highway safety and to establish innovative highway programs. Two of the safety campaigns created and implemented under this program have been "Click It or Ticket" which has boosted seat belt use to as much as 84 percent and "Booze It & Lose It" campaign which through checkpoints targets drunk drivers. This website provides information about these campaign as well as information about other safety related programs. The program also makes grants for local programs, with relevant documents available in MSWord format.
TRT Terms Highway safety information; Safety campaigns information; Safety education information; Safety programs information; Traffic law enforcement information; Websites (Information retrieval) information
General Subjects Booze It & Lose It; Click It or Ticket; North Carolina
Classification NTL - SAFETY AND SECURITY - Human Factors;
NTL - LAWS AND REGULATIONS - State Laws and Regulations
North Carolina
Resource type Web Document
URL http://www.ncdot.org/secretary/GHSP/
Format HTML
Language: English
Database Other Transportation Web Sites
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