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Title The North Carolina rodeo manual
Record ID 22672
Corporate Creator North Carolina Public Transportation Association; North Carolina Department Of Transportation
Publisher North Carolina Department of Transportation information
Publication Date
Abstract Rodeo competitions have been a part of North Carolina Community and Public Transportation for over a decade. The rodeo is designed to be a competitive test of a drivers skill and knowledge. These annual events bring together vehicle operators from local systems statewide so they can display the skills they use daily. This manual was developed to help the reader understand how a rodeo works, what is needed to hold one, and what is expected of the participants. 105p.
TRT Terms Transit vehicle operations information; Professional drivers information; Driving tests information; Bus drivers information; Bus driving information; Manuals information
General Subjects North Carolina; Transit rodeos; Vehicle operator competitions
Classification NTL - PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - Transit Safety and Security;
North Carolina
Resource type Manual
URL http://www.ncdot.org/transit/transitnet/Activities/NCPTA_Roadeo_Manual.PDFtransit/transitnet/Activities/NCPTA_Roadeo_Manual.PDF
Format PDF
Language: English
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