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Title Efficient access pricing for rail bottlenecks
Record ID 12697
Personal Name
Beshers, Eric
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Publisher Federal Railroad Administration (U.S. Department of Transportation) information
Publication Date 20000601
Abstract This study, which is posted online, was undertaken at the request of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), specifically the Office of the Associate Administrator for Policy and Program Development. The FRA Policy Office asked for a review of some of the key questions surrounding the issue of railroad access prices. Access price is to be understood here as the price asked by a railroad that owns a particular segment of track for access to, and use of, that segment of track by some other railroad. The background for this work is public discussion of possible changes in the Staggers Rail Act of 1980. Much of this discussion focuses on the question of access to so- called bottlenecks. Some facilities that either originate or receive rail traffic are served by a single railroad, although another railroad is able to carry that traffic for part of its through movement. It is argued that, if that other railroad could obtain access to such a facility, the railroad customer in question would obtain the benefits of enhanced competition: lower prices and/or better service. In order to address the issue of access it is necessary to address the price of access. Access pricing raises issues distinct from those regarding the rates railroads charge their usual customers. When one railroad sells access to its tracks to another railroad, it is not just selling the use of its facilities to a firm that wants to provide rail service. It is selling the use of its facilities to a competitor. (42 p.)
TRT Terms Bottlenecks information; Accessibility information; Railroads information; Railroad tracks information; Pricing information; Market share information; Competition information; Regulatory constraints information
General Subjects Access price; ECPR; Efficient component pricing rule; M-ECPR; Market-determined efficient component pricing rule; TELRIC; Total element long-run incremental cost
NTL - RAIL TRANSPORTATION - Rail Economics and Finance;
NTL - RAIL TRANSPORTATION - Rail Laws and Regulations;
NTL - RAIL TRANSPORTATION - Rail Planning and Policy
United States
TRIS Online
Accession No
Resource type Research Paper
URL http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/12000/12600/12697/ecpr.pdf
Format PDF
Language: English
Database NTL Digital Repository
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