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Title Project FARE task III report : urban mass transportation industry reporting system design : interim task III report for November 1972-June 1973 period. Part III - Reporting system forms.
Record ID 12238
Personal Name
Harvey, David L.; Nagel, John W.; Van Lieshout, William T.
Source UMTA-IT-06-0034-73-3
Corporate Creator Arthur Andersen & Co.
Publication Date 19730600
Abstract The report contains a description of the proposed uniform reporting system for the urban mass transit industry. It is presented in four volumes: Part I - Task Summary contains a description of how Task III was accomplished and the conclusions and recommendations reached at the end of the task. Part II - Reporting System Instructions contains general system instructions, prescribed accounting standards to be employed for this reporting and detailed definitions of all reporting categories in the system for transit operations other than commuter rail. Part III - Reporting System Forms contains copies of all of the forms used in the system with a cross reference to the appropriate sections of Part II. Part IV - Commuter Rail Reporting covers a description of proposed amendments to ICC Form A reporting for commuter rail systems.
TRT Terms Urban transportation information; Administration information; Reports information; Finance information; Railroad commuter service information; Public transit information
General Subjects Uniform Reporting System
Classification NTL - PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - Transit Planning and Policy;
NTL - PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - Transit Economics and Finances
TRIS Online
Accession No
Resource type Tech Report
URL http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/12000/12200/12238/index.html
Format PDF
Language: English
Database NTL Digital Repository
TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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