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Title Synthesis of Public-Private Partnership Projects for Roads, Bridges & Tunnels from Around the World - 1985-2004
Record ID 25028
Corporate Creator AECOM Consult
Publication Date 20050830
Abstract This synthesis reviews statistics and activities of public private partnership activities in transportation around the world between 1985 and 2004. The data used for the analysis is from the 2004 International Public Works Financing Projects Database published by Publi Works Financing.
TRT Terms Public private partnerships information; Finance information; Contracting information
Classification NTL - ECONOMICS AND FINANCE - Funding;
NTL - PLANNING AND POLICY - Public Participation and Outreach
Resource type Research Paper
URL http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/25000/25000/25028/fhwappp.pdf
Format PDF
Language: English
Database NTL Digital Repository
TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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