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Title Exploring Ways of Influencing Transport Behaviors by Using Telecommunications Technologies
Record ID 24825
Personal Name
Dholakia, Nikhilesh; Mundorf, Norbert; Dholakia, Ruby; Xiao, Jing
Source URITC FY 00-01
University of Rhode Island Transportation Center
Publication Date 20040600
Abstract Information technology can facilitate substitution and modification of transportation behaviors. Distance Learning (DL) can replace library work, meetings, and some traditional face-to-face class meetings. For off-campus full-time students, and for part-time working and non-traditional students the potential for reducing traffic to campus is considerable. Telework can affect commuting volume and patterns. The potential for these changes is considerable; however, many of the promised benefits have not yet been realized. The primary reason is human behavior though technical factors and costs also hinder the change. The studies reported here identify a number of variables predicting the use of DL as a substitute for travel: level of computer use, perceived convenience, money savings, and fewer days in class. More than one third of students reported using the Internet to avoid travel to campus. Students reported reduced time for travel resulting from increased computer use. As far as future intentions, distance learning was expected to affect the number of days students travel to campus rather than the type of transportation used. A second, methodologically different, study of students actual behaviors suggested that courses using the Internet/WWW can significantly reduce the number of days students travel to campus. This study also reports on data collected from a sample of workers in Rhode Island, United States, to examine factors that form the telecommuting preference. Multivariate analyses indicate that work time flexibility, employer encouragement, educator as the occupation, having access to Internet at home, using computers longer than one hour a day, having more computers at home, and perceiving that using the Internet can reduce time travel to work and to shop are positively related to using or intending to use Internet to substitute for travel to work. References, 3 appendices, 1 figure, 13 tables; 44 p. (421 kb)
TRT Terms Distance learning information; Travel behavior information; Travel demand management information; School trips information; Internet information
General Subjects Rhode Island; Virtual mobility
Classification NTL - PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - Social Impacts;
NTL - PLANNING AND POLICY - Technology Transfer
Rhode Island
OCLC 56211060
TRIS Online
Accession No
Resource type Research Paper
URL http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/24000/24800/24825/536131.pdf
Format PDF
Language: English
Database NTL Digital Repository
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