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Title Expanding Commuter Choice Tax Benefit Options
Record ID 24812
Personal Name
Hagelin, Christopher A.
National Center for Transit Research (University of South Florida)
Publication Date 20031000
Abstract According to the US Census, 76.3 percent of U.S. workers drive alone to work. The Internal Revenue Code Section 132(f) provides incentives for employers to encourage alternative mode use, specifically transit and vanpooling, through commuter benefits to employees. This study focused primarily on the federal tax laws that allow employers to subsidize or have their employees use pre-tax salary to pay for qualified transit, vanpooling and parking costs. These benefits are described as qualified transportation fringe benefits in Internal Revenue Code Section 132(f). There were five objectives of this study: 1. Evaluate the current level of use of commuter benefits among employers; 2. Examine how commuter choice programs can be expanded to provide maximum utility to employers and employees, and the creation of commuter choice equity; 3. Survey and interview employers to understand their reaction to expansion and equity; 4. Estimate the tax revenue impact of those changes; and 5. Develop a set of recommendations for expanding commuter tax benefit programs. Illus., references, appendices; 115 p.
TRT Terms Employer sponsored transportation information; Mode choice information; Commuting information; Work trips information; Employee benefits information; Federal laws information; Taxes information
General Subjects Commuter tax benefits; Internal Revenue Code Section 132(f); Qualified transportation fringe benefits
Classification NTL - PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - Transit Law and Regulation;
NTL - PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - Transit Planning and Policy;
NTL - PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - Transit Economics and Finances;
United States
TRIS Online
Accession No
Report Number 473-08,
Resource type Research Paper
URL http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/24000/24800/24812/473-08.pdf
Format PDF
Language: English
Database NTL Digital Repository
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