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Title Inorganic and organic characterization of dredged sediments from the proposed Quonset Point Channel in Narragansett Bay
Record ID 24662
Personal Name
King, John W.; Quinn, James G.; Wright, Raymond
Source URITC project number 536143
University of Rhode Island Transportation Center
Publication Date 20030100
Abstract The purpose of this study is to provide a preliminary analysis of organic and inorganic contaminants in sediments from the Quonset Point and Davisville areas in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. Of particular interest is whether the level of contamination could affect disposal options and proposed "beneficial uses" of the dredged sediments. To address these issues, five sediment cores were taken from the Quonset Point/Davisville area and analyzed for organic and inorganic contaminants. Concentrations of mercury, PCBs, and DDTs exceeded National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration ER-M values in subsurface sediments near the Davisville and Quonset piers. Contaminant concentrations were used to classify the sediment according to a modification of the Environmental Protection Agency National Sediment Inventory Data Evaluation Approach. This approach would result in a Tier 1 classification with probable associated adverse effects to aquatic or human health. The sediments dredged near the piers will probably require more expensive disposal options for dredged material. Elevated levels of contaminants and the fine grain size of the majority of the sediments may limit the potential beneficial uses of proposed dredged materials. (33 p.)
TRT Terms Sediments information; Contaminants information; Dredged materials information; Pollution information; Pollutants information
Classification NTL - MARINE/WATERWAYS TRANSPORTATION - Marine Energy and Environment;
Rhode Island
TRIS Online
Accession No
Resource type Web Document
URL http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/24000/24600/24662/536143.pdf
Format PDF
Language: English
Database NTL Digital Repository
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