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Title Roundabouts : an Arizona case study and design guidelines
Record ID 24640
Personal Name
Lee, Jim C.; Kidd, Brennan D.; Robinson, Bruce; Scarbrough, Wade
Lee Engineering, L.L.C.; Kittelson and Associates, Inc.
Publisher Arizona Department of Transportation information
Publication Date 20030700
Abstract The roundabouts controlling traffic at the I-17/Happy Valley Road interchange represent Arizona's first application of modern roundabout traffic control in this manner. The construction of roundabouts at this interchange location served to alleviate past congestion and safety issues by reducing off-ramp queues and reducing speeds in the area of the I-17 off-ramp termini. The use of the roundabouts offered flexibility in addressing the complicated traffic interactions of the freeway on- and off-ramps, two-way frontage roads, and Happy Valley Road. Based on this milestone and the overall unique application of roundabout design and function at this particular interchange, the I-17/Happy Valley Road roundabouts were studied to help identify possible improvements that could be incorporated at this location and into future Arizona Department of Transportation roundabout initiatives. The anticipated benefits of the improvements include, but are not limited to, more efficient traffic operations, reduced costs (on average), increased capacity, and improved safety (due to overall slower speeds through the roundabout). The main objectives of this research project include literature review of other state guidelines; evaluation of the roundabouts' design parameters and operation as they relate to capacity and safety; collecting public opinion; and guidelines development. The deliverables of the research project include recommended improvements for the existing roundabouts involving geometric, striping, and signing modifications. Also, the research project culminates in guidelines for the selection, evaluation, and design of roundabouts which provide details on the facets of roundabout use as it relates to Arizona. (257 p.)
TRT Terms Roundabouts information; Case studies information; Design information; Interchanges and intersections information; Off ramps information; Frontage roads information; Highway planning information; Highway safety information
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Accession No
Resource type Web Document
URL http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/24000/24600/24640/AZ545_index.pdf
Format PDF
Language: English
Database NTL Digital Repository
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