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Title Comparison of fundamental and simulative test methods for evaluating permanent deformation of hot mix asphalt
Record ID 24624
Personal Name
Zhang, Jingna; Cooley, L. Allen; Kahdhal, Prithvi S.
Source NCAT Report No. 2002-07
Publisher National Center for Asphalt Technology (Auburn University) information
Publication Date 20021000
Abstract Rutting has long been a problem in hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement. Through the years, researchers have used different kinds of fundamental and simulative test methods to estimate the rutting performance of HMA. It has been recognized that most fundamental tests are very complex while simulative tests are generally easy to perform. This paper documents a comparative study of two relatively fundamental tests, repeated shear at constant height (RSCH) and repeated load confined creep test (RLCC), and one simulative test, Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA) rut test. A comparison and correlation of various parameters (permanent deformation or strain, slopes and intercepts from linear or power law regressions) from these three tests results were conducted in this paper. The analysis data showed that the two fundamental tests had significant correlation with APA rut tests. The relationship between the deformation rates and the correlation between initial deformation from the RSCH and RLCC indicate the similar deformation behavior of HMAs under RSCH and APA loading conditions. Based upon the relationships observed in this paper and the existing guidelines for interpreting RSCH permanent shear strain and RLCC permanent strain, preliminary guidelines were recommended for evaluating rut resistance on the basis of APA rut depth. Compared with the existing APA criteria developed by Georgia DOT, the acceptable rut depth criteria generated from this paper is reasonable and applicable. Ref., 4 tab., 8 fig., 18 p.
TRT Terms Rutting information; Creep tests information; Shear tests information; Deformation information; Hot mix paving mixtures information
General Subjects Asphalt Pavement Analyzer (APA) rut test; Repeated load confined creep test (RLCC); Repeated shear at constant height (RSCH)
Classification NTL - HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION - Materials;
NTL - HIGHWAY/ROAD TRANSPORTATION - Pavement Management and Performance
TRIS Online
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Resource type Research Paper
URL http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/24000/24600/24624/rep02-07.pdf
Format PDF
Language: English
Database NTL Digital Repository
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