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Title Project on environmentally sustainable transport (EST) : the economic and social implications of sustainable transportation : proceedings from the Ottawa workshop
Record ID 24461
Corporate Creator Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
Publisher Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development information
Publication Date 19990000
Abstract It is increasingly clear that current transport systems are not environmentallyand, consequently, not socially or economicallysustainable over the long term. A new policy approach is needed that gives prominence to environmental criteria along with other policy goals. Recognizing this need, the OECD Environmental Policy Committees Task Force on Transport (now the Working Group on Transport) initiated the EST project in 1995 to give some precision to the concept through the use of quantifiable criteria that have environmental significance. As part of the project, workshop was held on the economic and social implications of sustainable transportation at the Government Centre in Ottawa, Canada on the 20th and 21st October 1998. The main purpose of the workshop was to review and contribute to work in progress rather than to resolve substantive issues about sustainable transportation or to seek solutions to pressing global problems; it was very much a workshop rather than a forum for the presentation of results. Workshop papers, figures, tables, 153 p.
TRT Terms Environmental impacts information; Economic impacts information; Social impacts information; Workshops information
General Subjects Enviromentally sustainable transport (EST)
Classification NTL - PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - Social Impacts;
NTL - ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT - Environment Impacts;
Report Number ENV/EPOC/PPC/T(99)3/FINAL/REV1
Resource type Research Paper
URL http://www.olis.oecd.org/olis/1999doc.nsf/c16431e1b3f24c0ac12569fa005d1d99/c125685b002f5004c125686b005cb510/$FILE/00071363.PDF
Format PDF
Language: English
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