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Title External costs of transport in central and eastern Europe : final report
Record ID 24436
Source JT00148028
Corporate Creator Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development
Publisher Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development information
Publication Date 20030808
Abstract Current and projected transport trends in Central and Eastern Europe are not sustainable and cause severe damage to human health and the environment. Transport-related accidents, air pollution, noise, climate change impacts, etc. generate large social costs. These costs are usually not covered by the users, but have to be borne by the whole society. Consequently, ignoring these external costs result in market inefficiencies that favor more harmful transport modes. Knowing these external costs is a prerequisite to develop strategies for their internalization, and thus for making progress towards sustainable transport - a key issue on the transport policy agenda. This study gathers together  for the first time  detailed data on external costs of different transport modes in the Central and Eastern European countries. The report presents the detailed results of the study including current external costs by mode of transport and by country and as well as a number of conclusions and recommendations for policy. It also contains an estimate of projected future external costs of transport in 2010 for the CEI region as a whole. This study can serve as a basis for improving the assessment of external costs and developing strategies towards their internalization and thus contributing to environmentally sustainable transport in the CEI region. (107 p.; 755kb)
TRT Terms Transportation information; Indirect costs information; Environmental impacts information; Policy making information; Transportation policy information; Environmental policy information
General Subjects Central Europe; Eastern Europe; Environmentally sustainable transport (EST)
Classification NTL - ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT - Environment Impacts;
Eastern Europe
Report Number ENV/EPOC/WPNEP/T(2002)5/FINAL
Resource type Research Paper
URL http://www.olis.oecd.org/olis/2002doc.nsf/43bb6130e5e86e5fc12569fa005d004c/c5992f7516b50be2c1256d7c0039ec0f/$FILE/JT00148028.PDF
Format PDF
Language: English
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